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One thing that took me a while to learn with copy was that you don’t just have one type of buyer buying your stuff, you have numerous types of buyers.

Case in point…

When I was writing copy in the men’s dating niche, I realized the buyers basically fell into three categories…

First, you had the guy who was already successful with women.  He was going on dates, he had girlfriends and he was getting laid.  So his problem wasn’t that he couldn’t get women, it was more so that he wasn’t getting the kind of women he wanted.  He felt like he could do better, so he’d wind-up buying cause he wanted to improve that last 20% that he felt was missing. 

The second type of buyer I saw was a guy who was doing well in all the other areas of his life – he worked out, and he made good money (usually an entrepreneur, lawyer, programmer etc…).  But he just never figured the dating thing out.  Usually he was too logical when he talked to women.  Or he was too much of a “nice guy” which led to him getting walked all over.  From the outside, this guy looked like he had a great life, but he was secretly in a lot of pain, cause he was lonely and constantly getting rejected. 

Then the third type of buyer I saw was a guy that was 35+ years old that was just getting out of a marriage or a longterm relationship. Dating never even crossed this guy’s mind in the last ten years. His life was work, going to his kids soccer games, and ordering takeout with his wife on a Friday night. But then he was smacked with a divorce and his whole world fell apart.  Everything he knew, was gone.  And the pain really hit him when his wife started dating a new guy just a few months later.  She moved on like it was nothing and this crushed him. So after a few months of licking his wounds and feeling sad, he finally decided to get back out there and start dating again.  Only problem was that he had no idea what to do.  The last time he had been on a date, people didn’t even have cell phones.  So now he’s trying to figure out Tinder, texting, and even the basics of flirting with a woman again.  He’s like a lost little fawn in the woods.  Sooner or later he realizes he needs some help so he decides to buy a program or hire a coach.

So those were the buyers I was writing to…

And I made sure my copy appealed to all three of them.

Which is important…

Cause most copywriters aren’t aware that they have multiple buyers they’re selling to.

They think all the buyers are the same.

Not true.

The reality is that you probably have 2, 3 or even 4 types of buyers. 

And it’s only when you talk to the buyers that you’ll see this.

Cause you’ll start to see patterns emerge…

Like a bunch of divorced guys…

Or a bunch of successful guys who just never figured the dating thing out…

This is highly valuable information.

And you can only learn this by talking to your buyers.

So the big takeaway I want you to take from this is that you don’t just have one kind of person buying your stuff.

You have numerous different buyer types.

And if you want your copy to convert better, you need to make sure you’re addressing all of your buyer types in the copy.

That’s a simple idea…

But it’s one that will make you a lot of moolah if you do it.

So I suggest you do…

That’s all I got for ya today…

Enjoy your Friday,

– Justin

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