Alright this is the last email in my series on what your customers REALLY want.
Today I wanna talk about how “emotional events” almost always trigger people to buy things.
For example…
Let’s say you’re a 23 year-old guy…
You’re out with your buddies at a bar on a Friday night, and you see a cute girl that you want to talk to.
Your first instinct is to freeze up…
“I don’t know what to say” you think to yourself.
So you order another drink to muster up some liquid courage.
After about two hours of continuously looking her way, you finally decide to talk to her.
You start walking her way…
Your hands are shaking cause you’re so nervous.
Every bad scenario that could go wrong is running through your head.
But you push through it…
“Hi I’m Chris, I thought you looked cute” you blurt out.
The girl is startled by you approaching her and looks at you confused…
“What?” she responds.
“I said you looked cute, so I wanted to say hi, I’m Chris”
At this point you’re not sure where the convo is gonna go.
It didn’t start great.
And she doesn’t seem super excited to talk to you…
The girl you’re talking to looks at her friend for a moment…
And then looks you up and down…
And with an attitude says to you…
“Sorry, I don’t talk to short guys”
With just a few words she levels you.
Your worst nightmare is playing out.
You start to remember why you never talk to girls.
It’s too hard…
And you’re not good at it…
So you turn around, tail between your legs and start walking back to your buddies.
At this point you just want to curl up in a ball and die.
This is not how you envisioned the night going when you came out.
Now as bad as this moment is for Chris, here’s what’s interesting about this.
This “emotional event” is going to push Chris to do something about his trouble with meeting women.
He might study a bunch of Youtube videos…
He might buy a course…
He also might ignore women completely for the forseeable future.
Who knows what he’ll do.
But he’s going to do something.
Cause that emotional event had an effect on him.
And this kind of thing usually happens before most people buy things (especially if you’re selling transformation like dating, health, money etc…)
The woman who buys your diet book might have went to her highschool reunion and had the unpleasant experience of being 30 lbs heavier than all her girlfriends from high school.
The guy who buys your copywriting course might have just listened to his mother talking about how successful his brother is, and how she wished he could be “more like Ben”.
These are all emotional events…
And emotional events push people to act.
Like I said, there’s almost always an emotional event (or a series of them) that happen before people buy things.
So it’s smart of you to be aware of that…
And to understand that something pretty emotional just happened to your buyer.
If you can keep that in mind…
Your copy will be a lot better.
Make sense?
I hope so.
Cause that’s all I got for ya today.
Enjoy your Friday,
– Justin

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