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One of the biggest insights I had in 2022 was that the more “done for you” your offer is, the better it will sell.

For example…

Let’s say I created a course on how to get your first copywriting client.

This would appeal to a lot of newer writers.


There’s an issue with it.

Whoever buys the course, still has to put in the work to get their first client.

And there’s a whole lot of self doubt that comes with that.

They’re thinking they’re not good enough…

They’re worried about getting rejected…

They’re scared to look like an idiot…

So even if my system for getting clients works, they have serious doubts about their ability to execute it.  

So because of those doubts, a good chunk of people will simply not buy it. 

So what’s the solution?

It’s to make the offer more “done for them”. 

So instead of showing them how to get their first client…

What if you actually gave them their first, paying client? 

And you made it no work for them to get that client?

Do you think more people would buy?


A lot more.

Obviously doling out paying clients to new copywriters is not an easy thing to figure out. 

Which is why so few of the people selling courses on how to get clients do it.

But it is possible.

Like when Stefan Georgi and I ran our last 8-week copywriting mentorship.

One of the things we added to that offer was that we gave the students a paying copy job.

So not only were they learning how to write copy…

But they also got paid $25 to write an email creative for one of Stefan’s CBD offers. 

So it was a big win for the students.

And exactly what they wanted.

Thus, we had a lot more students sign up for the mentorship than we usually had. 

This is what I mean when I say you want to make your offers more “done for you”.

Cause “done for you” is what people want…

Fat loss pills are more “done for you” than going to the gym…

A matchmaker getting you dates is more “done for you” than going out and meeting people yourself…

Hell, ordering a pizza from Domino’s is more “done for you” than making a pizza at home. 

And the more done for you you can make your offer, the more people will buy it (and the more they will pay). 

Like I said, this was something I’ve always known, but 2022 I was reminded of this principle over and over again. 

So I hope you heed my insights and make your offers more “done for you”.

That’s all I got for ya today…

Enjoy your Christmas Eve…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.