Take a look at this picture…

That’s me on the left (back in 2009 when I had hair, and couldn’t grow a beard).
And that’s Shoemoney (Jeremy Schoemaker) on the right.
Shoemoney was one of my first mentors in the online marketing space.
If you’ve never heard of him, he was a legend back in the day when he was making millions off of “ringtone” offers.
I used to read his blog religiously.
And then one day he mentioned that he was putting on an exclusive conference for 30 people.
It was called Elite Retreat.
The cost?
5000 bucks.
At the time, I think I had about $10,000 to my name…
So dropping $5k on one event felt insane.
But I needed help.
I was still living in Ohio at the time, and I didn’t have anyone around me who knew anything about online marketing.
Most of my buddies had normal jobs.
And the whole online marketing community wasn’t what it is today.
Facebook was still in it’s infancy.
You basically had the Warrior Forum and that was it.
So when Shoemoney announced he was putting on an event, I knew I had to go.
However… the price was a LOT for me to bear.
If I didn’t learn anything, I’d be down to about $3000 in my bank account after paying for the conference, flight and hotel.
I remember at the time asking my girlfriend if I should do it.
She usually was the first one to tell me “no” when it came to this stuff…
But luckily for me, this was one of the few times that she supported me in my marketing adventures.
“I think you should. You can probably learn a lot from him” she said.
I remember stirring over the decision all night.
This was the most amount of money I’d ever spent on something.
And if it went bad, I’d be barely scraping by.
So after days of deliberaiton, I finally said “fuck it, I’m gonna do it”
So the next morning, I called to sign up.
Tigh, the guy who took my payment, had to split it onto two different cards for me because I didn’t have enough money on one card to do it.
As soon as the payment went through, I remember feeling a big sense of regret.
“What if I don’t learn anything”
“What if this is all stuff I already know”
All that shit was going through my head.
I thought I had made a bad decision.
But once I got to the event…
And started meeting people…
I quickly realized I made the right choice.
In fact, by the end of the event, it turned out to be one of the best decisions I had ever made.
Because at that event, Shoemoney sat down with me, and walked me through the actual process he was using to generate leads for local businesses (something I was doing at the time).
He showed me the exact targeting he was using on Facebook.
And the landing pages that were working for him.
Within 20 minutes of talking to him, I had already gotten my money’s worth because I knew exactly what I was doing wrong with my Facebook ads.
I was able to go home, tweak my ads, and make a whole lot more money than I was making previously.
The event paid for itself within a month.
And not only that, but I got to connect with a group of people that I still talk to today.
Guys like Alex Goldstein, David Klein, Jon Correll, Dave Dellanave, Allen Baler, Warren Jolly and more…
And all of that came from me taking a risk, and going to that first event.
But that’s the power of being in the RIGHT room at the RIGHT time.
What I learned at that event I couldn’t learn in a course.
Cause I was already doing 80% of the stuff right.
I just needed the last 20% from guys like Shoemoney who had perfected it.
And that’s exactly what I got.
That event changed my life in more ways than one.
And it’s one of the reasons I’m so excited about the virtual event Stefan Georgi and I are putting on next month.
Cause I’m think it will change lives for the people attending just like my life was changed at Elite Retreat.
So whether you’re a copywriter…
Or you have your own offer…
Or you’ve just been thinking about how to make some dough online…
This is the event for you.
Because we get DEEP on what’s working right now when it comes to ads, sales pages and upsells.
And we show you how to scale an offer to 100, 500 or even 1000 sales a day.
Lives are changed at our events.
Like Dave Sinick who added $1.6 million to his bottom line from one upsell strategy he learned at our Vegas event…
Or Rob Tidwell who took his copywriting income from $5k a month to $15k a month…
Or Steve Gunn who had a floundering CBD offer, which is now doing over 1000 sales a day…
This is what we see at every event.
People growing their business…
Or their freelancing career quicker than they ever thought possible.
And it all comes from being in the RIGHT room at the RIGHT time.
So if that appeals to you…
And you want to hang out with Stefan Georgi and I for 2.5 days…
I suggest you apply for one of the seats at the virtual event in February.
The seats will sell out (just like our previous events).
So if you want in, I suggest you apply for a seat today while we still have some.
All the details and the info about the event can be found on the event page right here.
– Justin