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Take a look at this ad…

It’s what I call a “Zebra Ad”…

Which is an ad that stands out, and converts 2-3x  better than regular ads.

So why does this ad convert so well?

It’s not the picture…

It’s not the angle they use…

It’s something else.

And that “something else” is what I’m gonna show you on the free Zoom training I’m hosting today with Stefan Georgi.

We’ll be breaking down this ad and twelve more just like it that convert like crazy.

I call ads like these “Zebra Ads”…


Because unlike regular ads, they stand out. 

And they get attention (like a Zebra does).

But the best part is that these Zebra Ads usually convert 2-3x better than the traditional ads you see. 

So Stefan and I are going to show you plenty of examples of Zebra ads…

And also show you how to write your own Zebra Ads on the call today. 

The call is at 1 PM ET/10 AM PT.

It’s on Zoom.

All you need to do is register beforehand for the call.

(If I remember to record it, there will be a replay, but no promises as sometimes I forget)

As of now we have 403 people registered for the call.  Our Zoom account only holds 500 people, so if you want a seat I would snag one now.

Here’s the link to get your seat…

-> Zebra Ads training call w/Justin & Stefan

– Justin

P.S. – if you stay til the end of the call, we’re gonna give you a PDF with all of the Zebra Ads we discussed on the call for you to keep.

So keep that in mind.

Snag your seat now while we still have a few at the link below…

-> Zebra Ads training call w/Justin & Stefan

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.