Take a look at this seemingly boring picture…

This is a picture of me and Mike Geary.
If you don’t Mike…
He currently has an email list with 2.1 million people on it!
Each day he sends a simple email to his list…
And as a result of that simple email…
He pulls in an average of $18,000 every single day from his list.
And that’s not hype…
Or bullshit…
The guy is making bank.
However as cool as that is…
The most interesting thing to me about Mike is that unlike most people who make that kind of money…
Mike isn’t working all day.
Far from it.
He normally works just two or three hours a day…
And spends the rest of his time enjoying life.
In fact right now as I type this, he’s in British Columbia on a heli-skiing trip getting dropped into five feet of fresh powder!
So he’s living the dream…
And the reason he’s able to have so much free time…
And to make so much moolah…
Is because of his email list.
Which is why I was pumped when he agreed to come to my Email Experts event a few weeks ago and reveal exactly how he built his massive list…
Mike spoke at that event for over two hours…
And during his talk he didn’t hold anything back.
He was an “open book”.
He showed examples of opt-in pages he’s using right now to bring in over 6000 leads a day…
He showed us his new “hybrid” style email that is beating the pants off every other email he sends…
He even detailed how he would build an email list from scratch right now if he had to start all over…
So it was an epic talk…
And one that I think you’ll want to see.
Which is why I’m writing you this email.
Here’s the deal…
On Wednesday, I’m going to be releasing Mike’s talk and the rest of the recordings from the Email Experts event for the first time.
No one has seen the recordings from this event besides the 25 people who were in the room that day and my video editor.
So if you want to see all the juicy secrets Mike revealed…
I suggest keeping your eyes peeled for an email from me on Wednesday at 9 AM ET.
More details to come…
– Justin