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Next Wednesday, I’m gonna do a Zoom call showing you how to go from scratch to $100k+ a year as a copywriter.

This will be a beginner friendly call…

And on the call, I’m gonna show you…

– how to land clients that pay you well

– the blueprint for going from 0 to $2k a month, to $5k a month to $10k a month

– how to get to $100k a year TWICE as fast as most copywriters

So that’s what I’m gonna show ya on the call.

I’ll have more details about the call soon…

But first, I need something from you…

I need to know exactly what you’re struggling with right now, so that I can help you get to $100k+ as a copywriter.

So I whipped up a quick 6-question survey for you to fill out.

If you’re not making $100k yet as a copywriter (and you’d like to), then please share your thoughts with me on the survey here.

This will help me tailor the Zoom call to the exact things you need help with.

So it’s a win-win.

I’d truly appreciate hearing from you on this.

Here’s the link again to answer the questions I have…

-> What’s holding you back from being a 6-figure copywriter?

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.