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I’m not going to tell you whether you should (or should not) work on a Saturday.

But I will ask you this…

Do you WANT to work on Saturday?

I think that answer varies from person to person.

If you’re like me, and you don’t have a wife or kids, your weekends are pretty open.

I currently have no plans for today.

I took George for a walk this morning.

And I’m probably gonna go to Rainey Street with some friends later.

So I have no problem writing an email and getting some work done in the meantime.

I’m choosing to do that.


A few years ago if I had only worked for an hour or two on a Saturday, I would have felt incredibly guilty. 


Cause I thought I had to work everyday…

I thought that’s what “dedicated people do”.

I now realize this way of thinking is insane.

Not only is it untrue…

But if you never actually take REAL time off to just  relax and do nothing…

Then you’ll actually perform worse.

It’s like trying to lift heavy 7 days a week at the gym.

Your body just can’t handle it. 

And that ties back to my original point…

I’m a big believer in finding what works for YOU…

So if you WANT to work on Saturday, then do it.

If you WANT to take Saturday off, then do that too.

Spend some time with your kids…

Or your wife…

Or if you’re single like me, just lay on your couch and watch The Office all day.

All of these options are OK.

You’re not missing out by not working…

And you’re not getting a “leg up” on everyone else by working…

So figure out what works for YOU.

And whatever you choose…

Just enjoy your Saturday.

– Justin

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