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In honor of my first copy cub’s 30th birthday today, I want to show ya how he went from not knowing anything about copywriting to making a healthy 6 figures as a copywriter in less than a year.

Here’s the story…

Tanner and I met on a personal development program back in 2017.

There were 16 of us on the program.

And the goal of the program was to level-up your life in a bunch of different areas including business, dating, lifestyle and fitness. 

Throughout the program, Tanner and I hit it off  because we were both really into sports.

We’d talk about NBA summer league games…

And why playoff hockey was so much better than the regular season…

After our friendship started, Tanner mentioned that he was interested in figuring out a way to make money online.

Cause he was not happy with his job.

His job at the time was working at Abercrombie & Fitch.

So he spent 10 hours a day folding t-shirts and making sure high schoolers weren’t stealing clothes.

Needless to say he didn’t want to do this forever.

It was boring.

And he had no freedom.

So he wanted to do something where he could travel, make money and have a little freedom.

I mentioned to Tanner that I thought I could help him.

And I took this as a challenge.

I was curious if I could take a guy with no marketing skills at all, and get him making money in a few months.

So I racked my brain about the easiest way to do this.

Eventually I settled on email copy. 

I figured if I could teach him how to write email copy…

He could get a few clients and start making $5k a month pretty quickly.   

Tanner was super skeptical.

And didn’t really understand what I was trying to do.

But he decided to just trust me.

So near the end of the summer, I put him on a pretty grueling copy training program. 

He had to write 3 emails every single day.

And submit them all to me in a Google Doc.

Each day I gave him feedback on his emails.

And we talked about what he did right…

And what we needed to improve on.

This went on for 3-4 months.

And at that point I thought his copy was good enough to take on his first client.

I don’t remember exactly who I connected him with off the bat, but he got a client and wrote a few emails for $100 a pop.

And while that wasn’t life changing money…

It was the first time that this was REAL for him.

Cause he was still skeptical that this was going to go anywhere.

After that first gig, I helped Tanner get a few more email gigs.

Eventually he ended up going full time with Marc & Jeff at Natural Health Sherpa. 

He was making 6-figures writing email copy…

And basically getting a PhD in email marketing.

He was sending out multiple emails a day…

Testing subject lines…

Testing different hooks…

So he got to see what was working…

And what wasn’t working over and over again.

Basically in the span of a year, Tanner went from never having written a lick of copy…

To knowing more about email marketing than 95% of the people in our space.

Now I wanted to share this story with you for a few reasons…

But the main reason is that Tanner’s story is a testament to the power of focusing on one thing.

He solely focused on email.

He didn’t have shiny object  syndrome.

He didn’t try to launch his own offer…

He didn’t try to write sales pages.

It was 100% email. 

And guess what happened?

He got really damn good, really quick. 

I can tell ya from experience that almost everyone who is successful in our space, has one thing that they are REALLY good at.

That might be Facebook traffic…

That might be email…

Whatever it is, they have ONE thing that propelled them to the big leagues.

And that comes from finding your ONE thing…

And just sticking to it.

Don’t hop around…

Don’t try to do three things at once.

Find your one thing and then go all-in on it.

That’s what Tanner did.

And it’s why he’s reaping the benefits today.

– Justin

P.S. – I did an interview on Youtube a few months back with Tanner chronicling his story and everything he went through as a copywriter…

If you want to see that, you can watch it here.

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.