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One thing that’s been on my mind lately with all the job layoffs happening is the idea of being “recession resilient”. 

Case in point…

Most entrepreneurs today have never experienced a recession.

So if you started your business back in 2012…

You’ve known nothing but a good economy for the last ten years. 

So your idea of running a business is nothing but roses.

Sales are easy to come by…

Clients are always hiring…

Hell you can even get away with pretty mediocre funnels and still scale them.

So everything seems great.

But I can tell you after having been around this game for 18+. years…this is not normal. 

The economy doesn’t always go up.

And people don’t always open their wallet as easily as they have the last few years.

But people have gotten used to that…

So the coming job layoffs (and potential recession) might be a rude awakening for some.


I’ll argue that if this happens, it’s a big opportunity for you.


Cause the true test of an entrepreneur is NOT what you do in the good times…

It’s how you perform when things are tough.

Are you able to make sales when people aren’t just throwing money at you?

Are you able to turn a mediocre funnel into a dialed-in one?

Are you able to trim the fat, and just focus on what works?

These are the questions you’ll have to face…

And a lot of people will struggle when faced with this.

And as a result, their business will crater.

Profits will go down…

And the money they take home will dip.

But make no mistake about it…

There will also be TONS of entrepreneurs (and copywriters) that thrive in this situation.

They’ll see big growth…

They’ll pass their competition by…

And three years from now they’ll be the ones that everyone else is looking up to.

Like I said, this is going to happen.

The only question will be whether or not it’s you that ends up on top.

So my advice?

If things get tough, I say embrace it.

While everyone else complains…

And bitches about how tough things are…

Use this time to see if you really are a true entrepreneur (the kind that can get through the good times AND the bad times).

Cause if you can do that…

You’ll be bullet-proof against pretty much anything that comes your way.


I need to wrap this up and head to the gym…

Hope you got a nugget or two out of this.

Enjoy your Saturday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.