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One of the best conversion “hacks” I’ve discovered this year for upsells is what I call the “STS opener”.

And here’s what makes it so special…

Most people make the mistake of starting their upsells with a simple “congratulations” sentence and then they quickly go into pitching their next product…

This is a big mistake.


Cause your buyer is still UNSURE about the purchase they just made.

They’re wondering if you’re a scammer…

They’re wondering if they made a bad decision…

They’re just completely unsure about what’s going on.

So if you just jump right into pitching them on your next product, guess what happens?

They don’t buy.

Obviously a few of them will buy…

But you can’t get the 30-50% conversion rates on your upsell that you need if you pitch them right away.

So what’s the solution?

The STS opener.

This stands for “stick the sale”.

And I’ve discovered a very specific way to do this that absolutely crushes.

Here’s a peek at a real upsell using the “STS opener” on a dating offer…

This is only about 25% of the STS opener.

But can you see how different it feels?

It doesn’t just go into pitching the next offer.

It makes them feel GOOD about their purchase.

And this is crucial.

Cause when they feel good about their purchase…

That sets them up to buy the upsell!

And this STS opener is crucial for doing this.

Now I gave you a little peek at the STS opener up above…

But in my Upsell Mastery course, I actually give you the whole thing word-for-word.

So you can simply take that and swipe it if you please…

I’ve personally seen the STS opener take an upsell from converting at 31% all the way to 40%!

Which is nuts…

But that’s how powerful this opener is.

So if you want to get your hands on it…

Then I suggest you pick up a copy of Upsell Mastery while it’s on sale right now.

Instead of paying the regular price of $1499, you can actually snag a copy of the course for free.

Yep, I said free.

I figured out a way that BOTH of us can win by me giving you the course for free.

So if you want to get your hands on the STS opener, grab your copy of Upsell Mastery now.

The link below will let ya do that…

->  Get the word-for-word STS opener

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