At the end of our Copy Accelerator event last week, I shared the story of how I went from being broke in 2010 to having a 7-figure net worth in just a few years (pic below from my talk).

I’ve told this story a bunch of times…
I was in a truly shitty place in 2010.
I had about a month worth of living expenses left.
I was sleeping on an air mattress.
And my girlfriend that I was planning on proposing to had just dumped me.
Needless to say I didn’t have a lot of confidence in myself.
I thought I had just gotten lucky before.
And that sooner or later people were gonna find out that I was a fraud.
But I was able to overcome all of that.
Because as I said during my talk…
“I bet on myself”
I didn’t know how I was gonna get out of that hole.
Or how I was gonna make money.
But I was willing to take ownership of making things happen.
I didn’t put my life in someone else’s hands.
I didn’t think anyone else was going to help me.
I decided to bet on myself.
And I believe that’s something you will never regret.
Whether it works out…
Or it flops…
I don’t think you’ll ever regret betting on yourself.
Cause most people aren’t willing to bet on themselves.
They’ll take the safe route.
And always kind of wonder “what if”…
But if you actually want to get to where you want, then you need to bet on yourself.
Put the responsibility on your shoulders.
And go after it.
This applies whether you’re a newbie copywriter…
Or you’re running an 8-figure business…
The best person to rely on is YOU.
So make sure you bet on yourself.
Enjoy your Wednesday,
– Justin