I have a secret I want to share with you.
It’s a secret, I didn’t understand when I was first started online back in 2004.
But it’s something I know now…
And it’s something that holds most people back from ever making real money.
I will warn you though…
This secret is not “sexy”.
In fact, it’s quite boring.
And it goes against human nature.
So most people will ignore it.
But I know a few people will take it to heart…
And it’ll change their life.
So I’ll share the secret with you…
Here it is…
Everyone who makes REAL money in direct response is very good at focusing on ONE thing until they get really good at it.
I’ll give you an example to show ya what I mean…
Back when I was getting started online in the mid 2000’s I made the mistake of trying something new every couple months…
One month I’d be into blogging…
The next I’d be doing Facebook ads…
The month after that I was trying to be an SEO expert.
I just hopped from one thing to the next…
And I never got great at any of them.
So at one point, I was making around $3500 a month from an MMA blog I created.
That was solid money.
And it was enough to pay my bills.
But I was always trying to do other stuff on the side.
If I had just focused on the MMA blog, I probably could have scaled that into $10k a month…
Or $20k a month…
But I didn’t.
Cause I just kept jumping around to the next exciting thing.
So it was a big mistake on my end…
And I don’t want you making the same mistake.
So my advice?
If you want to make REAL money in direct response…
I suggest you focus on one thing…
And block everything else out.
I know that is not easy to do…
But I can tell you from experience, the people who make the most dough are all very good at focusing on ONE thing.
So find your one thing, focus on it, and block everything else out.
If you do that, you’ll be ahead of 95% of the others.
– Justin