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I mentioned last Sunday that I’ve been going through some struggles lately.


Well mostly because my good friend Rob is in his final days of battling terminal cancer.

He fought hard for nearly two years…

And about 10 days ago things really took a turn for the worse.

He’s not eating…

Barely drinking anything…

So his wife made the decision to move him from the hospital to his house so he could live out his remaining days in comfort.

And the whole thing has taken a toll on me both emotionally and physically.

I’ve been over at his house everyday helping with his care as much as I can. 

I’ve been raising money within my close group of friends to help make things easier on his wife.

I’m helping get things squared away with his taxes, medical bills, and getting his assets into his wife’s name.  

So there’s been a lot going on…

And because of this, I’ve noticed my focus is just not there.

Like yesterday for example, I didn’t get around to writing my daily email.

Which in the grand scheme of things is minor…

But missing a day of writing still doesn’t sit well with me.

I’m pretty damn good about writing my email 6 days a week (I usually take Saturday morning off).

But yesterday I was just not feeling motivated.

Talking about copy or conversions just felt so meaningless to me.

So I sat at my laptop for nearly an hour…

And nothing came out…

And because of that, I started beating myself up for it.

I felt like I was being lazy.

And not doing what I should.

Which is a normal cycle for me…

Maybe you can relate…

So what did I do?

I had to simply remind myself that you can’t “be on” everyday.

You’re gonna have “off days”.

And you’re gonna not feel as motivated as usual.

Especially when you’re going through something heavy like I am with Rob.


I wanted to share this with you cause it’s easy to think you’re the only one who struggles…

Or you’re the only one that goes through rough periods.

I can tell you that’s not true.

It happens to everyone.

I mean, I’m pretty damn successful and most people would say I have a good life…

But I still struggle…

I go through low periods…

So if you’re going through a tough time right now, just know that you’re not alone.

I’m right their with ya.

Just be gentle on yourself…

And don’t beat yourself up too much.

You’ll get through it.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.