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One of the hidden “sales killers” that can easily torpedo a sale is the huge amount of anxiety your prospect feels.   

For example…

Back when I lived in Columbus, I was helping a friend that owned a yoga studio to get more members enrolled in her classes.

And one BIG sticking point (especially for people new to yoga) was that they had a lot of anxiety about coming to yoga…

They thought they were gonna look like an idiot…

And that everyone around them would be yoga pros and they would be the newbie who couldn’t do any of the poses.

It was a horrifying thought…

The possible embarrassment far outweighed their desire to do yoga.

Thus, a lot of them never signed up.

So what did we do to combat this?

I simply helped her take the anxiety away.

Which was basically two things…

1. She addressed this head-on with everyone signing up, and told them she’d be there to help them through the first couple classes.  She made them feel like there would be no pressure on them, and she’d be in their corner helping them every step of the way.

2. And then secondly, I told her she should let all new members bring a friend for the first week for free.  Reason being that it’s a lot easier to do something you’re nervous about if you have a friend with you.  You don’t feel so vulnerable if your friend is by your side. Plus there’s a good chance that friend might enjoy the class and sign up as well.  So it’s a win-win for the member and for the studio.

So those were my two suggestions…

And my friend implemented them both perfectly.

The result?

Her close rate on sign-ups went up around 30%…

And in the first month she did this, she picked up 5 new members simply from the new members bringing a friend along.

So overall it was a huge success…

These members WANTED to do yoga…

And they wanted to be a part of her classes…

However, they had big ole’ ball of anxiety that was holding them back. 

And by simply helping them to get rid of that anxiety, she was able to not only bring in more members, but she made her members experience a lot more enjoyable. 

Point being…

This anxiety is in everyone.

And it’s more present than you think.

People are scared to come to your event cause they don’t want to look like an idiot.

They’re scared to use your checkout page cause they rarely order stuff online (very prevalent with older demos).

So it’s up to you to address this anxiety…

And to minimize it as much as possible.

That’s the key.

If you just let it fester and you do nothing about it…

You’ll miss out on sales.

So keep that in mind.

And enjoy your Tuesday,

– Justin


Note: If you like the insights I share in my emails, and you want to potentially 2-5x your current income, then you may be interested in working with me in my mentoring program.

You’ll get to learn from me, Stefan Georgi and a group of A-list copywriters every single day.

We’ve already helped hundreds of copywriters hit multiple 6-figures in income like Amber Peoples, Tanner Henkel, Mario Castelli, Scott Connorton, Michael Rochin, Scott Mills, Krista Edsall and more.

We’ve also helped offer owners like Troy Ericson, Steve Gunn, VShred, Scott Phillips and Conor Boyland to scale their offers to hundreds (and even thousands) of sales a day.

If you want to work with us, get feedback on your copy, and potentially 2-5x where you’re at now…

Then I suggest giving this a read and seeing if it’s for you…

-> Mentor under Justin & Stefan


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