There’s a lot you can learn about making sales from watching the Netflix documentary “Tiger King” that everyone is talking about.
For example…
Last night, I watched the entire documentary from start to finish.
It was 7 episodes.
And it took me close to 6 hours to finish it.
If you were to ask most people if they’d watch a 6-hour documentary they would tell you “no”.
Nobody is interested in that…
Despite being 6-hours long, Tiger King is the number one show on Netfix right now.
It’s all anyone is talking about on Twitter…
All the memes on Instagram are about Tiger King.
Because the story is HIGHLY captivating.
If you haven’t seen it yet, let me tease you a few of the plot points.
The main guy on the show is a zookeeper who calls himself “Joe Exotic”.
He’s from bumbfuck Oklahoma.
He’s a shotgun carrying…
Mullet wearing…
Gay man, who owns like 120 different tigers on his private zoo in Oklahoma.
He’s like a mix between Donald Trump, Alex Jones and Liberace.
Hell this dude wrestles 800 lb tigers for fun.
That right there is interesting as hell.
Here’s a picture of him for reference…

If that’s not enough to interest you, there’s plenty more…
During the documentary, Joe is constantly at war with animal rights groups trying to take him down.
He sends one woman a mailbox full of poisonous snakes to mess with her.
This is the same woman that he eventually tries to hire a hitman for $3000 to kill.
The whole plot of this murder-for-hire involves FBI informants, shady strip club owners, and an undercover sting operation.
It’s fascinating.
Which brings me back to the point I want to make…
The reason this story is SO captivating…
And the reason people will sit glued to a TV for 6 hours to watch it…
Is because of how polarizing it is.
Polarity grabs your attention.
A gay hilbilly who raises wild tigers on his private Zoo to make a living is polarizing.
The 10 ex-felons that he hires to work at the zoo (most of whom are addicted to drugs, or barely have any teeth) are polarizing.
The woman who tries to take Joe down and is accused of killing her husband and feeding his remains to the tigers is polarizing.
You couldn’t write a movie like this.
Nobody’s brain is that messed up.
But that’s what makes the show so captivating.
It’s the polarity of it.
It goes from one extreme to another.
There’s so many contradictions…
So many emotional swings.
So big thing I want you to take away from this is that good stories are always polarizing.
Polarizing stories keep you captivated…
And on the edge of your seat…
That’s the power of a polarizing story.
And these kinds of stories work just as well in copy as they do in a documentary.
So next time you’re working on some copy…
Keep this simple idea in mind…
Be polarizing.
That’s all I got for ya today.
Enjoy your Sunday.
– Justin