There’s been numerous times in my life when I’ve missed out on HUGE opportunities to make a lot of dough simply because I didn’t recognize the opportunity at the time.
For example…
When I got into Facebook ads in 2007 or so, it was like the wild, wild west.
You could literally promote anything you wanted…
You could say whatever you wanted in an ad.
They didn’t care.
So the people who understood this…
And took advantage of it, made a fortune.
I personally know at least 3-4 friends that made over $30 million in those days, just from being an affiliate.
It was a true gold rush.
Same thing could be said for what happened with crypto the last few years.
I had a friend tell me about Bitcoin around 2013.
But I didn’t want to listen.
Even though this friend was a smart guy…
And even though he had a lot more money than me…
I still didn’t listen.
Had I listened and invested $20k in Bitcoin at the time, I’d be sitting on $50 million today.
Bitcoin in 2013 was a once in a lifetime kind of opportunity.
Same with Facebook ads in 2007.
And I missed out on both of them.
Which ties in with what I want to tell you about today.
Cause there’s a BIG opportunity (and a lot of money) coming to the direct response industry.
I believe we are in an unusual circumstance right now with the pandemic.
More money is in circulation than ever before over the last 18 months.
Discretionary spending is higher than it’s ever been.
People want to spend money…
And once everything fully opens back up, they will.
A good amount of that money will flow into DR and ecomm businesses.
So what’s this mean for you?
A chance to make a LOT of dough.
Call it a “gold rush”…
Or a post-pandemic boom…
Whatever you want to call it…
A lot of dough is going to be flowing into the direct response world over the next 12 months.
Which will benefit everyone.
If you have your own offers, certainly you’re going to make more sales than usual.
You’ll get a better ROI on your adspend…
And if you’re a copywriter or a marketer…
This will make you even MORE in demand.
Because as a DR business grows, they need more sales pages, funnels, upsells etc…
So businesses will be constantly hiring copywriters and marketers.
So everyone benefits.
Like I said, this “boom” is coming.
And my goal is for you to get a big chunk of it.
I don’t want you to miss out (like I did on Bitcoin and Facebook ads).
I want you to be in on the action.
And getting YOUR piece of the pie.
So how can you do that?
Well it’s simple…
You need to hone-in your marketing skills with what’s working now when it comes to VSL’s, sales pages, funnels and more.
Not what was working 2 years ago…
But what’s working today.
Cause it’s very different.
And that’s exactly what we’re going to be talking about at our upcoming Copy Accelerator event next week.
We’re going to show you simple ways to make more sales…
Dial-in your funnels…
Increase AOV…
And if you’re a copywriter, we’re even going to match you up with 40+ business owners who are looking to hire you (you’ll get to personally meet them at the event).
All that is happening next week.
The event will be live from Scottsdale, Arizona.
So if you’ve been on the fence about coming…
Consider this my friendly kick-in-the-ass to come.
Cause ticket sales end tomorrow night.
After that we’ll shift to “event prep” mode, and we wont be selling any more tickets.
So if you want to snag a ticket…
And potentially change your life by getting in on all the money flowing into the DR industry…
This is your last chance to do it.
You can read all about the event, and apply for a seat right here.
I really hope you join us.
I’ve seen this event change the lives of so many people.
It took people like Troy Ericson from $5k a month to over $100k a month…
And Krista Edsall from a bartender to a 6-figure copywriter.
I want to help you do the same.
So I suggest you snag a ticket and join us next week (either in person, or virtually).
You can get all the details on the event, and get your seat right here.
See ya soon,
– Justin