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If you’re interested in learning how to write emails like mine, then this is for you…

Next week, I’m going to host a LIVE training showing you how to write “Justin style” emails.

And in the training I’ll show you…

– how to come up with an endless list of ideas to write about in your emails

– how to get 50-60% open rates for the emails you send (this is what I’ve averaged for the past three years)

– how to sell things through email and have your list LOVE you for it (instead of hating you and unsubscribing)

– how I’m able to bring in $20k-$30k a month promoting affiliate offers using nothing but story-based emails (I’ll show you a full 7-day example of this)

– how to write “Justin style” emails for clients  (we’ll dive into how you can get stories and topics from a client so you can write in their voice)

– how often you should sell in your emails vs. how often you should send “bonding” emails 

– how to get people to open your email every single day simply because it’s you sending it (this one has a very indepth answer that is really the foundation of my email style, so I’ll make sure I lay that out in the training)

– how to build an email list (this could be it’s own course, but I’ll breakdown 3-4 of my favorite list building methods that you can use right away to build a list)

– how to use “Justin style” emails in niches like health, financial, coaching, biz-op, survival, dating, music, hobby niches and more (I’ll have a bunch of examples of these to share with you)

– plus much, much more

So that’s what the email training is all about.

The training will take place on Wednesday October 5th at noon ET on Zoom (this is next week).

So no matter where you are in the world, you’ll be able to take part in this training (you’ll also get the recordings from the training to keep forever).

And while that is super cool, here’s the best part…

Unlike other trainings and workshops I’ve done in the past, this one won’t cost $1000.

In fact, it won’t even cost $500…

I’m intent on making this training affordable for nearly everyone.

So instead of charging $1000 or $500…

I set the price at just $197.

So for $197, I’ll walk you through my whole system for writing “Justin Style” emails.

That way you’ll be able to write similar emails for yourself…

Or for your clients…

And you can make a whole bunch of money in the process.

So if you’re an offer owner, a copywriter, a coach or an expert, this training is for you.

Cause here’s the truth…

My simple, personality-driven emails have allowed me to…

– pull-in $28,000 a month on average from promoting affiliate offers 

– launch a $45,000 a month print newsletter business

– fill live events with 350+ people (these live events lead to a $4 million dollar a year coaching business)

– position myself as an expert in the copy industry

– get invited to speak at major events and to be on big name podcasts 

My emails generated all of that.

Which is why I’m excited to teach you the “secret sauce” behind all of this in the upcoming email training.

So that’s the deal…

Like I said, the training will take place next Wednesday, Oct 5th on Zoom at noon ET/9 AM PT.

So if you want to be a part of the training…

I suggest grabbing a spot today.

I don’t have a fancy sales page to sell you on this training.

So just head over to the checkout and get signed up if you want to be a part of it.

You can secure your spot right here.

Hope to see ya in the training…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.