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One thing I stupidly engaged in when I was younger was “dick measuring” contests with other marketers.

For example…

I remember about 8 years ago, me and an older copywriter got into a heated argument on Facebook.

He called me out saying he had been writing copy for 30+ years, and he didn’t understand why people thought my copy was so great.

So instead of ignoring his post…

And just going about my business…

I shot back by listing off my credentials for him…

I showed him all the winners I had written…

The offers that I scaled…

And all the dough I made from it.

Our back-and-forth, turned into a 70 comment thread on Facebook.

A lot of names were called…

And cheap shots were taken…

What’s funny though, is that at the end of all the fighting, nothing changed.

I thought I was a better copywriter than him…

And he thought I was getting a bunch of attention I didn’t deserve.

So nobody’s opinion changed.


I did waste multiple days worth of energy and focus arguing with this guy.

Which took a toll on me.

It was all I could think about for those couple days.

So in the end it was a dumb idea.

Like I said, this happened nearly 8 years ago…

And now-a-days, I just avoid stuff like this.


Because frankly I don’t care that much what other people are saying about me.

They’re free to have their opinions (and a lot of them do).

But I don’t have to let those opinions affect me.

And I certainly don’t need to get into a dick-measuring contest with anyone.

That’s not my focus.

My focus is on having the life I want.

That’s what I care about.

I care about building my business how I want…

I care about getting our members incredible results…

And I care about having a work/life balance that lets me do a lot of fun stuff. 

So as long as I’m doing that…

I’m happy.

All the rest is just noise.


There’s a lot of dick-measuring that goes on in the IM world.

“I make 3x what he makes”

“I’m so much better at copy than him”

I’d urge you to ignore it.

Stay focused on what’s going to help you get the biz and the life that you want.

Cause that’s what matters in the end.

Enjoy your Tuesday…

– Justin


Note: If you like the insights I share in my emails, you may be interested in working with me in my mentoring program.

You’ll get to learn from me, Stefan Georgi and a group of A-list copywriters every single day.

We’ve already helped hundreds of copywriters hit multiple 6-figures in income like Amber Peoples, Tanner Henkel, Mario Castelli, Scott Conorton, Michael Rochin, Scott Mills, Krista Edsall and more.

We’ve also helped offer owners like Troy Ericson, Steve Gunn, VShred, and Conor Boyland to scale their offers to hundreds (and even thousands) of sales a day.

If you want to work with us, get feedback on your copy, and potentially 2-5x where you’re at now…

Then I suggest giving this a read and seeing if it’s for you…

-> Mentor under Justin & Stefan


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