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The other day I texted a few of my friends who own successful direct response businesses and asked them a simple question…

“How often are copywriters emailing you to get hired for copy jobs?”

Their response?

“All day, everyday lol”

“It’s a lot, I tune most of them out”

“Not sure how many I get, but my assistant just deletes them for me”

Those were the responses…

Pretty eye-opening, huh?

These are all guys who run 7 and 8-figure businesses…

They’ve all hired dozens of copywriters (both in-house and freelancers).

Yet, none of them are paying attention to the cold emails they get from copywriters.


Cause they have “inbox overload”.

They get a ton of emails from copywriters.

So instead of rifling through them all…

They simply ignore ’em.

This is the ugly reality of trying to get copy clients from cold emails in 2024.

I’m not saying cold email doesn’t work for some people.

I’m sure it does.

And it may have even worked for you numerous times…

But here’s the thing…

If you’re trying to land clients from cold emails today…

You’re fighting an uphill battle. 

Cause you’re competing with hundreds of other copywriters who are doing the exact same thing.

So the odds that the business owner sees your email…

And reads it…

Are very slim.


What if instead of emailing a bunch of business owners like every other copywriter is doing…

What if you took the email you were going to send them…

And you “printed it out” and you sent it to them through the mail?

Do you think that would get their attention?

I bet it would.

In fact, I know it would.

Cause this is actually a strategy I gave to a copywriter who was at my Austin mastermind last Memorial Day.

I told him exactly what to say in the copy…

And who to send it to…

And since that mastermind he’s used this “printed email” strategy to land two good-paying clients!

The first client he got right after the event, and it was a $3500 a month email client in the business influencer niche (think a Grant Cardone type).

And the second client he actually got earlier this month with a supplement company that’s paying him $6,000 to write a salesletter for their gut health offer.

So the method is working. 

And for good reason. 

The “printed email” cuts through the inbox overload that most business owners experience.

And it gets your copy directly into their hands through the mail (where there’s pretty much zero competition from other copywriters).

So the “printed email” is a hidden gem in my eyes.

And I plan on teaching you how it works in a training this coming week.  

But in the mean time…

If you’re interested in knowing how it works…

I’d love to know what questions you have about it.

Anything specific that you want to know?

Anything you’re skeptical about?

Simply reply to this email, and let me know…

And I’ll try to address your question over my next couple of emails.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.