A couple people reached out to me today and asked if I’d share an example of how I use swipe files to write better copy.
So let’s dig in…
Back when I was writing copy for Patriot Power Greens, the one thing we always needed was new email creatives.
Because we were buying ad space on 10-15 different email lists every week.
So because we were running such a high volume of email traffic, the email creatives would burn out pretty quickly (usually within 3-4 months)…
So I had to constantly come up with new email creatives.
Which isn’t easy…
However, I managed to come up with winner after winner when it came to these email creatives.
By studying the angles that were working in direct mail.
I’ll give ya an example…
Take a look at the magalogs below…

Do you notice any similarities between them?
You should…
Cause they’re both using the same angle…
Old people performing amazing physical feats.
So they’re showing a 70 year-old running a marathon…
And an 85 year-old walking five hours a day…
That angle is the first thing you see on both of these magalogs.
Well guess what?
There’s a reason why they’re both using the same angle…
It’s because that angle is working!
Plain and simple.
So if you see something working over and over again on other offers, you’d be smart to test the same angle.
And that’s exactly what I did with Patriot Power Greens back in the day.
I noticed that all of these magalogs were using the “old people doing amazing physical feats” angle.
So I tried it in one of our emails.
I wrote an email about the doctor who created our greens powder and talked about how at the age of 63 he was competing in martial arts tournaments against guys half his age (and winning!).
That’s a pretty amazing feat…
And guess what?
That email crushed.
In fact, it was one of the best performing emails I’d ever written.
It ran for nearly 12 months on lists like Newsmax, Glenn Beck and a host of other “old guy” lists.
In the end, that single email helped us scale Patriot Power Greens from 10 sales a day to well over 500 sales a day.
That’s how powerful it was.
And I wouldn’t have come up with that angle had I not been studying those pieces in my mailbox.
I didn’t have to come up with any ideas…
The direct mail did all the work for me.
It showed me the EXACT angle to use…
All I had to do was write it up.
That’s a good example of how I use swipe files.
I study the angles that are working…
And I try to find ways to use those angles in my ads, my emails or the leads of my VSL’s.
Like I said yesterday a good swipe file is kind of a “cheat code” for writing winning copy.
Cause it tells you exactly what to say…
And what angles to use.
So I highly suggest you use a swipe file to help you come up with new ideas.
You can obviously put this together on your own…
Or find some swipes on blogs…
But if you want a swipe file that’s already been put together for you…
One that has the BEST sales letters from the “who’s who” of the direct response world…
I’m talking about heavy hitters like Dan Kennedy, Russell Brunson, Frank Kern, Agora Financial, Bottom Line, Health & Healing, Newsmax, Stansberry Research and more…
Then I suggest you snag a copy of this massive 4000+ page swipe file that Todd Brown has put together.
Todd did all the grunt work collecting these sales letters for the last decade.
And he recently scanned them and put them into 5 massive binders that you can get shipped directly to your house.
So it’s an epic swipe file…
And I’d be willing to bet anyone that picks this up will add an extra 6-figures to their income if they study the swipes and apply the ideas to their copy.
So it’ll have a big ROI for you…
But there’s one catch that I need to warn you about…
Todd only printed 250 copies of this thing…
And last I heard from his team, he only has about ~100 copies left.
And that’s not fake scarcity either…
It’s the truth.
Once the 250 copies are gone, they’re gone.
Based on how quick it’s been selling so far, I would anticipate they’ll fully sell out today or tomorrow.
So if you want a copy…
You need to grab one before they’re gone.
The link to get your copy is below…
– Justin