Tomorrow afternoon I’m hosting a free Zoom call with 3 of the best email marketers in the world to show you how to make more money with email.
On the call, we’ll dive into…
– the #1 type of email that beats all others when it comes to sales
– how a simple image in an email can make you 30-40% more revenue
– a secret subject line formula that gets 30-40% open rates on most lists
– the biggest mistake most people make with email copy that kills your sales (hint: it happens in the first sentence of copy)
– Plus, much, much more…
Like I said this call will be all about email.
And I’m bringing on 3 of the best email marketers in the world to share their insights as well.
So whether you’re a copywriter…
Or you have your own offer…
This is for you.
All you have to do is register for the call ahead of time.
And show up tomorrow at 2 PM ET/11 AM PT.
The call will take place on Zoom.
As usual, I will try to remember to record the call for a replay.
But if you can make it to the live call, I suggest you do that.
Here’s the link to register and save your spot…
-> 5 secret email “hacks” that will make you more moolah
See ya tomorrow…
– Justin