Back when I owned my supplement company, one year we randomly decided to run a special St Patrick’s Day sale for our greens powder (obvious green theme here).
At the time I had no idea how the sale would do…
So we set it up…
And for 3 days, we emailed our list to buy our greens supplement at a discount.
The result?
Close to $170,000 in profit came in!
Which was shocking.
I had no idea it would work that well.
But here’s where it gets really interesting…
After the sale we were super excited about how well it did.
And my partner and I talked about it for months.
However it didn’t dawn on us to run another sale (genius move right there).
But eventually we wised up.
And when July 4th came around…
We ran the exact same kind of sale to our list.
The result?
Nearly $210,000 in profit!
At this point I kind of felt like an idiot.
These holiday sales were so easy.
And making us fistfuls of money.
Yet we had never tried them before.
But that’s when we got smart.
After the July 4th sale we decided to go all-in on holiday sales.
So we went from not having these sales at all…
To having one nearly every month.
Basically any holiday you could think of, we had a sale for it (we even had one on April 15th for tax-day).
And by the end of the year these holiday sales added around $2.2 million in profit to our business.
Which was like 40% of our profit that year!
So it was a HUGE needle mover.
And it put a lot of dough in my pocket.
And that brings me to the point of this email…
If you’re not doing holiday sales (either for your own list, or for your clients) you are missing out on a TON of money.
It’s a gold mine.
And it’s super easy to do…
The only issue is figuring out HOW to do them.
Do you send them to a special sales page?
How many emails do you send (this is important)…
And what exactly do you say in your emails…
Well, luckily for you my friends Tanner Henkel and Jerrod Harlan cover all of this in their new “7 Figure Email Machine” course.
They show you exactly how a holiday sale works…
How many emails you should send…
And what you should say in those emails.
They basically hold your hand and walk you through the holiday sale model so you can add an extra 6 or 7 figures with them.
And like I said this is super valuable to list owners…
As well as copywriters who want to implement these for your clients…
So if that piques your interest…
I suggest snagging a copy of their “7 Figure Email Machine” today while it’s still on sale.
I’ve been telling you about this course all week.
And for good reason.
If you follow it, it will make you a ton of moolah.
Because Tanner and Jerrod know email marketing inside and out.
They run the email lists for some of the biggest DR brands like VShred, Natural Health Sherpa, Credit Secrets, Breakthrough Guitar, Miami MD and more…
So if you want to soak up their email wisdom…
And add 6 or 7 figures in extra profit with holiday sales, then I suggest snagging a copy of this.
One word of warning though.
The price on the course is $1497.
And at that price, it’s an absolute steal for the ROI you’re gonna get.
If you grab a copy before 11:59 PM PT tonight…
And you use the code “JUSTIN500” at checkout…
You can get the course for just $997.
That means you save $500.
But you only get that if you use “JUSTIN500” at checkout.
And only if you do it before 11:59 PM PT tonight.
BTW this isn’t fake scarcity or anything like that.
The code actually does expire tonight.
So if you order after it expires, you’ll pay the full price of $1497.
So if you’re ready to add an extra 6 or 7 figures with holiday sales to an email list…
Then this is for you.
You can get all the details on the course and grab a copy for yourself right here.
You’ll be glad you did.
Here’s the link again…