Without fail the day after a launch ends, I have a slew of emails from people begging me to let them get the course because they missed the deadline.
Honestly, it’s like 15-20 emails each time.
And the large majority of these emails are a 2-page sob story explaining to me how tough their life has been…
Or how they were on a road trip…
Or how their wife bought too many drinks at Chili’s and maxed out their credit card (that’s a real email I got by the way)…
Whatever the excuse is, I’ve probably seen it.
Now I know some course creators will let people in after the deadline.
However for me, a deadline is a deadline.
And if I let you in after the deadline, then that’s not fair to the people who purchased on time.
That’s my personal philosophy.
I have no idea if Brent will do the same with his Corrections Course that closes in about 3 hours…
But Brent’s a man of integrity so my gut says he won’t be letting anyone in after the deadline at 11:59 PM CT tonight.
He’ll be focusing on helping the students who are in the course.
So if you’ve been waiting til the last minute to pick-up Brent’s new Corrections Course, then consider this a big, loud warning shot across your bow.
Cause at 11:59 PM CT tonight, this offer goes away.
And if you try to buy Brent’s course after that, you’ll see a big block of text on his site that says “this offer is no longer available”.
So if you want to ensure you get the course…
Then now is the time to snap it up.
Instead of paying $997 for the course (which is the one-time payment option)…
Brent just added a payment plan option today that allows you to get started for just $97 upfront (and then pay the rest later).
So if that fits your budget better…
You can check that option out right here.
If you somehow missed my previous 89 emails about the Corrections Course, then here’s a little rundown of what it is and how it can help you…
The Correction Method is a course that’s designed to help you remove (or severely diminish) the mental blocks that are holding you back from…
– making the kind of money you want
– getting your writing done on time
– charging the fees and prices you deserve
– standing your ground with clients so you don’t get walked all over
– launching your own offer or your own business that you’ve been thinking about forever
– getting past the feeling that your copy is never good enough
– finding a work-life balance that allows you to enjoy life, while still making a lot of money
– eliminating the imposter syndrome that makes you feel like you’re a fraud
– plus much, much more
This is all stuff that Brent’s Correction Method can help you with.
How do I know?
Well, I’ve been a 1-on-1 client of Brent’s since 2018.
And in that time span, I’ve paid him close to $260,000 to help me get rid of the mental blocks that are holding me back in life.
And I’m not the only one paying Brent a bunch of dough.
Brent’s 1-on-1 client list is like a “who’s who” of the marketing world including Ian Stanley, Dan Ferrari, Ed Scow, Nick Daniel, Steve Gray, Henry Bingaman, Peter Tzemis, Alec Rosa, Mike Abramov, Jason Capital and more…
So he’s the man behind the top 1% of the players in our industry.
However, working with Brent 1-on-1 is simply not doable for most people.
Cause his current rate is $125,000 a year.
And even with a crazy price like that, Brent has a two year waiting list to work with him.
So it’s not easy to work with him…
Which is why I’ve been harping on him for nearly two years to release a course so that more people can experience his work.
And after two years of endless texts…
And me badgering him on our Zoom calls…
Brent finally put out a course showing you how to use his 1-page Correction Method to remove the mental blocks that are holding you back in life.
I can tell you that this method has worked better for me than anything else I tried previously including…
Working with 5 different therapists…
Tony Robbins “Date With Destiny”…
Landmark Forum…
Ayahuasca and mushroom journeys…
Reading endless personal development books…
Meditating for 30 minutes a day…
Ice baths multiple times a week…
I mean all these things DID help me…
But they didn’t give me the long-lasting, permanent change I was looking for.
The underlying issues I had were still there.
But that all changed when I met Brent (pictured below).

At the first intensive I had with Brent in Redondo Beach, I was completely blown away by his method.
He was operating on a whole ‘nother level from all the therapy and personal development stuff I had done before.
He didn’t just talk about my problems…
We got down to the root of them.
Like if I was worried about charging $25k for an event, I discovered it really wasn’t about the price, it was about me not wanting people to be upset at me (which was the exact dynamic I had with my mom)…
So my “block” around charging $25k for the event went all the way back to shit my mom said to me when I was 8.
So it really had nothing to do with the money.
It was all about my ingrained belief that it’s my responsibility to make other people happy.
So that was eye-opening…
But that was really just the beginning.
Cause the real magic that Brent has is he actually came up with a method to get rid of mental blocks like this.
He calls it the “correction method”.
It only takes about 20 minutes to do…
And you can do the entire thing on a single sheet of notebook paper…
You basically write out the correction following his fill-in-the-blank template…
And then picture yourself as a kid…
And read the correction to your younger self.
And within minutes of doing the correction you feel a huge sense of relief.
You might take a big breath…
And you’ll feel like a 50 lb weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
So for my correction around charging $25k, I immediately felt less fear and shame around the issue.
It wasn’t so triggering.
And a few weeks later after we did the correction, I wound up selling 14 people into that event at $25k each!
Honestly, I probably would not have been able to do that without the correction.
The reality is that without the correction, I probably would have just lowered the price of the event.
So I would have made less money…
And all the while I would have been pissed off at myself knowing that I wasn’t charging what the event was worth.
But with Brent’s correction…
I was able to charge the $25k that the event was worth (and not feel guilty about it).
That’s how powerful these corrections are.
And the cool thing is once you do a correction around a certain topic, it’s permanent.
It doesn’t go away…
You don’t need to keep doing it every day or every week to sustain it.
It actually changes you at your “core”.
And you won’t experience that issue in the same way ever again.
I know that’s a big claim…
And one that’s hard to believe…
But there’s a reason why people like me, Ian Stanley, Dan Ferrari, Mike Abramov, Nick Daniel, Henry Bingaman, Ed Scow, Alec Rosa, Peter Tzemis and Jason Capital all pay Brent 6-figures year after year to work with him.
It’s cause his stuff works…
It’s permanent.
And it creates long-lasting change so you can finally…
– make the kind of money you want
– stop procrastinating and get your writing done on time
– charge the fees and prices you deserve
– stand your ground with clients so you don’t get walked all over
– get over the feeling that your copy is never good enough
– find a work-life balance that allows you to enjoy life, while still making a lot of money
– launch your own offer or your own business that you’ve been thinking about forever
– plus much, much more
So that’s what Brent’s Correction Method can do for you.
It’s been a game changer for me.
So I highly recommend snagging a copy of the course on this while it’s still available until 11:59 PM CT tonight.
If you pick up the course tonight, I know Brent is going to do 4 LIVE group calls with you where he walks you through his whole correction method and answers any questions you have.
So that will be extremely valuable if you’d like to have him by your side as you go through this.
On top of the bonus calls you’re getting with Brent…
I’m gonna sweeten the pot for you with a special bonus of my own.
Here’s the deal…
If you pick up Brent’s course before 11:59 PM tonight through my affiliate link, you’re going to get an invite to a 2-day “Fun in the Sun” mastermind I’m hosting at my house in Austin.
The mastermind will be on May 27th and 28th.
And what we’ll do is mastermind on day 1, and I’ll be there to give you 1-on-1 feedback on things like scaling your business, improving your copy, getting clients etc…
And then on day 2 we’ll have a pool party at my house where we’ll be grilling up some delicious food, hanging in the sun, and making connections.
This is the type of environment that is perfect for you to meet clients, affiliate partners, media buyers and the like.
Plus, I’ll probably invite a bunch of the big name marketers in Austin to join us as well at the pool party.
So it should be an amazing weekend.
But you have to pick-up Brent’s course before 11:59 PM CT tonight in order to get a spot in the mastermind.
So if that appeals to you…
And you’re ready to remove the mental blocks that are holding you back from making more money, charging what you deserve, getting over your procrastination with writing, or even starting your own business…
Then this is for you.
Remember the special payment plan that Brent opened up this morning allows you to bypass the $997 one-time payment and instead pay just $97 today.
So you’ll pay $97 today…
And then pay the rest over the next five months.
So it’s a little easier on your cashflow.
So if that appeals to you…
All you gotta do is head over to Brent’s website, and you can get all the info and grab your copy of his Corrections Method course right here.
I really hope you do.
Cause this method is life changing.
Here’s the link again…
-> 1-page Correction Method for removing the mental blocks that are holding you back
– Justin