If you’ve been on my list for a while you’ve probably heard me talk about my friend, Ning Li.

If you don’t know Ning, he’s a true A-list copywriter…
And in the past few years he’s written 14 winning sales letters in a row for Paleohacks…
He’s written monster winners for their cookbooks…
He’s beaten long-running controls for their food products like avocado oil and colima sea salt…
And he even wrote the highest-grossing backend offer in Paleohacks history, which was a specialty set of Japanese kitchen knives…
So the guy is dialed-in when it comes to copy…
And there’s a reason Paleohacks shells out $30k a month for him…
He knows how to make sales…
And he knows how to do it over and over again.
But what you might not know about Ning is that just a few years ago, he didn’t even know what copywriting was.
Ning was not the “writer type”.
In fact he wasn’t into anything creative…
He was a college kid at Colorado State, who spent most of his time studying “elephant seals”.
I shit you not.
You know those giant, half-ton monsters that lay on the beach in California all day long?
That’s what Ning was studying.
And that’s what he thought his future was…
In a stroke of luck…
Ning never ended up being a scientist…
Cause while he was in school, he got bit by the “copy bug”.
And once learned about copy…
He was like a mad scientist who stayed up day and night learning about copy.
He ordered books like Scientific Advertising and The Boron Letters by the truckload off of Amazon…
He spent hours every day combing through all the old sales letters on Swiped.co…
He was “all in” on copywriting…
And trying to learn as much as he could…
As much as he was studying copy…
At this point he still hadn’t actually written any copy…
Or been paid to write copy.
So how did Ning fix that?
On the recommendation from his friend (Dan Ferrari), Ning bit the bullet and signed up for a 90-day copywriting training program called “Copyhour”.
He didn’t know much about the program…
All he knew was that Dan recommended it…
And that it pushed you to write everyday for 90 days straight.
So Ning committed to it.
He didn’t make excuses…
And he didn’t flake on the writing prompts…
He simply followed what they said to do and he wrote every single day.
And little by little…
Ning started to pick-up the rhythm of what good copy was supposed to look like.
His sentences got punchier…
His words were dripping with emotion…
And most importantly, his copy was keeping people’s attention.
Week after week he saw real improvements in his copy…
And by the end of the 90 days…
Ning’s copy had grown so much that Dan Ferrari offered him his first paid copy gig of $1500!
Talk about a huge win.
I’m sure that gave Ning a lot of confidence…
And made him realize that his dream of being a copywriter was real.
And I wanted to share this with you cause it just shows that if you simply put in the work each day like Ning did…
You can be a great copywriter.
Ning isn’t some creative genius…
Or a naturally-born writer…
He was a nerdy science kid who simply wrote every day…
And became a damn good copywriter because of it.
Now maybe doing something like this appeals to you…
Maybe it doesn’t…
But if it does…
Then I’d highly suggest taking the same route that Ning took…
Which is being a part of Copyhour.
If you’re not familiar with Copyhour, it’s a 90-day copy training program run by Derek Johanson.
Copyhour has already helped launch the careers of some of the most successful copywriters today such as Ning, Dan Ferrari, Austin Lee, Chris, Orzechowski, Randall Pruitt, Jamie Lynch and Ian Stanley.
And the reason the program works so well is simple…
It prompts you to write every day (even if it’s for only 15 minutes)…
And if you simply write everyday…
And you follow the prompts that Derek gives you, you’ll notice that day-by-day your writing will get better.
Your copy will start to grab people’s attention…
It’ll tap into their deepest problems…
And it’ll eventually persuade a good chunk of them to buy whatever it is you’re selling.
That’s what the program is all about.
It’s about compounding your copy skills day after day.
And it flat out works.
Which is why the program has been around for 10 years…
And why it’s already helped more than 3,000 copywriters, marketers and business owners to get good at copy.
But here’s the thing…
As good as Copyhour is…
One of the best parts about the program is the price.
Cause most programs like Copyhour that train you over 2 or 3 months usually cost upwards of $2500 or $3500.
So they’re not cheap.
But with Copyhour, you don’t have to pay anything near that.
Cause Derek who runs the program is set on helping as many people as possible to get good at copy…
So if you join Copyhour today…
You won’t pay $2500 or $3500…
Instead you’ll pay just $297.
And you can even break that up into three monthly payments of $99 if you want.
So anyway you look at it, it’s a hell of a deal.
And if you’re serious about getting good at copy…
Whether that’s cause you want to be a highly-paid freelance copywriter…
Or because you want to write better copy for your own business…
Or because you’re a marketer or media buyer and you know getting better at copy will help you to make more moolah…
Whatever the reason, if you want the simplest, most effective way to get good at copy in the next 90 days…
Then I highly suggest you snag a spot in the first 2024 cohort of Copyhour that just opened.
Derek only runs this program twice a year…
And he is currently enrolling the first cohort right now…
So if being a part of the group appeals to you…
I suggest you give Copyhour a look right here…
This program is proven to change lives (as you saw with Ning’s story).
So if you want to level-up your copy skills like Ning did…
I suggest you read all about Copyhour and see if it’s a fit for you at the link below…
-> Write 6 and 7-figure copy in the next 90 days
– Justin