In dating and in business, I’d argue nothing persuades people more than “social proof”.
Case in point…
Back in 2017, I was in Stockholm with a bunch of guys I met on a personal development program that we were all taking part in.
The program was just wrapping up after spending 9 weeks together…
So to celebrate, we decided to throw a final blowout party to remember the summer.
So we got a table at the hottest nightclub in Stockholm called “V”.
And each one of us got decked out in our best suit (here’s a pic of us that night)…

From the minute we got there, everyone was “all smiles”.
We were hugging each other, sipping champagne and celebrating the new friends we made.
So there was a lot of emotion flowing…
And a lot of fun being had.
What’s funny is that as the night went on, our table was having so much fun that everyone else in the club was looking at us…
Honestly they probably thought we were all on drugs…
But that wasn’t the case.
We were just a “ball of fun”.
And because of that, something interesting happened…
Slowly but surely, a bunch of very attractive women started flocking to our table.
At first it was just 2-3 of them…
But as the night went on, it snowballed…
Soon it was 5, then 10, then 20…
And these weren’t women that were hanging out in GA just using us for our table.
These women were already at tables.
And we were having so much fun, they purposefully left those tables to come hang out with us.
At one point the host had to tell us “no more girls” cause our table was overflowing.
Honestly, I had never seen anything like it.
And because I’m always thinking like a marketer, my brain immediately realized what was happening.
This was all about social proof.
That night our table turned into the “cool table” that everyone wanted to be at.
It wasn’t any different from the “cool table” in highschool.
It was the place to be…
And everyone wanted to be a part of it.
Which is a very powerful lesson when you think about it.
And it’s a lesson that applies directly to BOTH dating and business.
Cause I’ve use this same “cool kids” strategy in my businesses numerous times with great success.
Ill give ya an example…
One of the best emails I used to send when I was trying to sell people on coming to our Copy Accelerator events was a list of all the big name people that were coming to the event…
So I’d simply send out an email saying people like Ian Stanley, Alen Sultanic, Rich Schefren, Chris Evans, Carline Anglade Cole, David Deutsch, Kim Krause Schwalm, Dan Roitman, Craig Clemens and more already had their tickets…
And they would all be at the event.
So when people read this list, they’d start to think “shit if all these people are going to the event, I probably should be there as well”.
This is how people’s minds work.
When we don’t know what to do, we look to others to see what they’re doing.
That’s an important point.
And one that I want you to remember.
So I’ll say it again…
When we don’t know what to do, we look to others to see what they’re doing.
This is what social proof is all about.
And it works in business, dating, investing and hundreds of other things.
People will always want what other people want.
So my advice?
Use social proof to your advantage.
Cause when people make decisions, they always look to see what other people are doing.
And they value what other people are doing way more than they value their own thoughts.
So keep that in mind…
And be sure to use it to your advantage.
Make sense?
I hope so.
Cause that’s all I got for ya today.
I’m probably gonna take Saturday and Sunday off from writing, so I’ll be back again on Monday.
Enjoy your weekend,
– Justin