One of the smartest things you can do as a marketer is to stop thinking from your persepctive and to start thinking like a potential buyer.
For example…
Let’s say you want to create a new offer.
If I’m creating a new offer, my sole focus is going to be on the person I’m going to sell it to.
I’m thinking all about THEM.
What they want…
What they hate about the current solutions…
What’s irritating them…
All of this is on my mind.
In short, my focus is all on them and NOT on what I want to sell.
I’m literally looking at the buyer and saying “what can I create that they REALLY want to buy?”
I can tell you from experience most people do NOT think like this.
Honestly, it took me a good 10 years to start thinking like this myself.
But once I did, my offers started converting like crazy.
Because I was selling people stuff they TRULY wanted (and not just what I wanted to sell).
Most people who create their own offer simply make something they want and then say “ok now I need to find people to buy this”
Well that’s a big mistake.
Cause your offer (or product) should not be about you.
It’s about THEM.
It’s about the problems they have.
And how you can solve those problems in the easiest, quickest and simplest way.
That’s what they want.
So the big thing I want you to takeaway from this is to think like your buyer, not like a marketer.
Cause if you can do that…
I’m willing to bet that whatever you create, will sell like hotcakes.
This is a very simple idea.
So it’s easy to ignore it…
Or to think “I’ve already heard that”.
But I guarantee that if you adhere to it, it will put a lot of dough in your pocket.
So keep it in mind…
Enjoy your Monday,
– Justin
If you’re ready to make 6 or even 7 figures from writing copy, or having your own offer, I’d like to mentor you.
You can get all the details on my mentoring program and see if it’s a fit for you right here.