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This will be the last email you get from me for a while.


Because I’m gonna take some time off.

One of my goals for 2020 was to take more vacations (specifically non-working vacations).

I had 3 of them planned out for the year…

I even marked them off on my calendar ahead of time.

But COVID screwed all that up.

And traveling went out the window.

So I haven’t taken much time off this year.

I think I took 3 days off back in July…

And a few days in October…

But other than that, I haven’t had any real time off.

So I’m gonna take the next week or so off.

Which means I won’t be writing this email each day…

And I won’t be working on projects.  

Sadly (for me) I won’t be laying on a beach in Cabo like I was last year…

But I will be relaxing.  

And that’s my goal.

Simply to unplug…

And relax.

And I hope you get to do a bit of the same over the next week.

Talk soon,

– Justin

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