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After every affiliate promo I do I like to share the biggest lessons I learned from the promo with you.


That way you can learn from my experience…

And you can take the lessons I learned and use ’em to make yourself some moolah.

Sound good?

Alright, let’s dive in…

First things first…the stats from the promo.

Overall I pulled in 255 sales on the AI copywriting bundle.

This was on a payment plan of $97 upfront and then three monthly payments of $297 (so it’s basically a $997 offer, but split up into payments).

I’ve done a few other offers on this payment plan, and if the stick rate and refunds are similar to what they’ve been in the past, I’ll end up making around $79,000 for the promo.

Which is great.

I had a feeling this offer would do well…

But I didn’t think it’d do this well.

So all-in-all I’m super happy with how it turned out.

Plus, I’ve already gotten like 15 emails from people who bought the AI bundle who can’t believe how good the AI trainings are…

So that’s good to see.

Now in addition to all that…

I had a few big lessons I learned during this promo, which I’ll share with you now.

Starting with…

1.  You can’t just wait for good offers to come to you, you have to go out and create them

I had a feeling an AI copy course would do well to my list.

Only problem was, there’s not many AI copy courses out there.

And there’s even fewer from legit copywriters who I’d actually want to promote.

So as hot as AI is, no one was hitting me up to promote their AI course. 

So what did I do?

I helped put one together.

I knew Stefan had held a bunch of trainings showing the AI prompts he uses to write sales pages, emails and ads…

And I had heard from multiple people who went through those trainings that they were mind-blowing.

So after going through the trainings myself…

I asked Stefan to put together a bundle offer of all three of his AI trainings, and we can do a special sale for them over 4th of July.

Now, a lot of credit goes to Stefan for putting this together. 

Cause I only brought this idea up to him on June 1st (about a month ago).

So in a month’s time he had to put together a sales page, login access to the 3 courses, set it all up in Samcart etc…

That’s a lot of shit to do.

And he’s got a million other things going on with running an agency, building a coaching program and having a family.

So time was not on his side.

But he got it done.

And it wound up being a big win for both of us.

So the big lesson I took away from this is that you can’t just wait around for great offers to fall into your lap.

You gotta either create them yourself…

Or help other people create them…

That’s how you get the best offers to promote.

So that was the first big lesson from this promo…

Now the second lesson was a lesson that I learned a long, long time ago, but this promo was just a good reminder of it.

And that’s the fact that…

2.  Holiday specific promos crush pretty much every time you do them

Back when I had my supplement company I accidentally stumbled upon a goldmine when we ran a St Patrick’s Day promo to our list.

Here’s what we did…

Over St Patrick’s day one year, we sold our greens powder along with a bunch of sweet bonuses that our list couldn’t get at other times (like a shaker bottler and a frother to mix it up).

We ran this promo for like four days…

I don’t remember the exact numbers from the promo, but it was somehwhere around $160k in profit.

Which was a lot.

We did not expect that to happen.

So since it was a big hit, we decided to run a similar promo on the 4th of July.

And guess what happened?

It curshed again. 

At this point we realized holiday sales were a goldmine so we just doubled down on them and kept doing ’em. 

That year we wound up doing promos for Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, New Years etc…

Basically any excuse we could find to have a holiday promo we did it.

And it worked like a charm. 

So that was a big learning lesson for me.

And this 4th of July promo I did for the AI copy bundle was a great reminder of the power of holiday specific promos. 

It made me realize I don’t do anywhere near enough holiday sales to my list.

Usually it’s one on July 4th, and one on Thanksgiving and that’s it. 

So I could be doing a lot more.

And this promo really reinforced that. 

So there ya go…

Those are two of the big lessons I took away from the AI copy promo.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this…

And you use the lessons to put some moolah in your pocket. 

Enjoy your Friday…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.