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George and I are headed to the park in a few minutes…

But before we take off I just wanted to drop ya a note and say thanks.

Specifically, thank you for tuning in everyday and reading my emails.

When I started this email list in 2018 after a year-long hiatus from the marketing world, I had no idea it would blossom into what it is now.

At the time, I just wanted to share my thoughts on marketing.

So I emailed about 140 of my friends and asked them if they wanted to get a daily email from me about copy & marketing stuff.

99% of them said yes…

So I started writing every morning.

And since then, this email list has grown pretty quickly (mostly from word of mouth). 

It’s grown from people like you telling your friends about it…

Or from you forwarding my emails to your co-workers…

So I just wanted to say a big “thank you” for being a reader.

Writing this email each morning is something I truly look forward to.

It’s a creative expression for me.

It allows me to share my struggles…

My wins…

And even the personal stuff that I have a hard time sharing in person.

So again, thanks for tuning in each day.

I’ll keep writing, if you keep reading.

Enjoy your day…

–  Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.