A question from Jake came in last night about the new 8-week copywriting mentorship I announced yesterday…
“I’ve been writing copy for seven years and have one retainer client at $6k a month. I’ve gone through all the big copy courses like RMBC, Clayton Makepeace and AWAI. I’m wondering if this mentorship would still be good for me, or would it just be a rehash of stuff I already know?”
Great question.
And instead of giving you a basic answer…
I’m gonna answer your question with a story of a guy from our last mentorship group who was in a similar spot.
So in the last group, a copywriter named Chris, came in thinking that he didn’t have a whole lot to learn about copy.
He was already making $80k a year as a copywriter…
And his clients were happy with his work…
He’d also been through Stefan’s RMBC course already.
So he was a bit skeptical, that the 8-week mentorship was going to teach him anything new.
However, his feelings on that quickly changed when he started to get feedback on his copy from his coach, Joey Percia.
Joey pointed out that while Chris’ copy was solid, he wasn’t really “grabbing” the reader from the start.
His first few lines of copy were what we call “throat clearing”.
Which basically means you’re trying to warm them up before you get to the good stuff.
Which is a big mistake.
So when Joey pointed this out to Chris, it was one of those lightbulb moments for him.
He wasn’t aware he was doing it…
However, it was seriously hurting his copy…
So for his next few ads, Joey had Chris put a big emphasis on making sure his first line of copy REALLY grabbed the reader.
Well guess what happened?
The 3 ads Chris wrote wrote right after this wound-up having the highest click through rate (and the lowest costs) he’d ever seen.
Which is amazing.
And a huge win for Chris.
His winning streak didn’t stop there…
Cause after this, Chris’s client was so impressed with the results from the new ads, that they bumped his pay up another $1000 a month.
Think about that…
Just by changing a few words in his ads, Chris ended up getting a $12,000 raise.
Not too shabby if you ask me.
Anyways, I wanted to share Chris’s story because it’s a good example of how a copywriter who’s already doing pretty well can get a LOT out of the 8-week copywriting mentorship.
Chris was able to not only learn about some of his “copy blindspots”…
But he also got a significant raise because of it.
That’s why this mentorship is so powerful.
I’ve seen it work wonders for intermediate copywriters…
And I’ve seen it work wonders for brand-spanking new copywriters who’ve never written a word of copy…
That’s why I’m such a big believer in it.
Now, if you missed my email yesterday about the mentorship, here’s the details…
The mentorship takes place over 8 weeks.
And over the 8 weeks we’re gonna teach you everything you need to know to write winning ads, emails and sales pages.
PLUS – and this is a big plus – you’ll also get feedback on the copy you write from one of our copy coaches during the mentorship.
Which is invaluable.
Your copy will get SO much better when you get real feedback on it (as you saw in Chris’s example).
So that’s what the mentorship is all about.
However I do need to warn you, the spots are limited this time around.
We want to make sure each person gets more 1-on-1 feedback time.
So each of the groups will be smaller than usual.
Usually getting into a small group like this would cost at least $2000…
Or at the very least a $1000.
But my partner Stefan is insistent that this round we will keep the price at $497.
That price will most likely go up in the future.
But for now, it’s only $497.
Which is a steal if you ask me.
So if you want in the mentorship group…
I suggest you put some thought into your application when you fill it out.
Last I looked we already had 148 people apply to be in the mentorship.
So there’s a lot of interest.
Stefan and I will go through all the applications and pick the hungriest and most committed people to be in the mentorship (you’ll be notified next week if you get accepted).
So if you want a spot in the mentorship, I suggest filling out the application here.
I hope to see ya in the group…
– Justin