Take a look at this picture…
This is a pic of me and some friends from a pool party that I had at my house last night.
You might be thinking…
“What the hell does this picture have to do with business or copy?”
Well a lot actually…
In business, I have a strong belief in a principle that I call the “most important thing”.
Which basically means that in every endeavor, there’s always one thing that’s 10x more important than everything else.
For example…
In a direct response business the most important part of the biz is having an offer that puts new people on your list.
If you don’t have this, everything else you know about operations, and team building, and backend marketing…doesn’t really matter.
Cause if you don’t have new people being added to your list, you won’t have anyone to sell to.
And if you don’t have anyone to sell to…
You’ll be out of business pretty quickly.
So consistently putting new people onto your list is by FAR the most important part of any DR business.
Now what’s funny is that I realized this same principle holds true when you’re throwing a party.
If you look at a party, there’s a lot of factors that go into throwing a good one.
Things like…
Upbeat music…
Fun lighting…
A cool theme…
All that stuff matters.
But here’s the thing…
None of those things (lighting, music or the theme) will matter if the party is 90% dudes.
I mean you could have Diplo as your DJ…
And a $100,000 lighting setup…
But if the party is 90% dudes, no one is gonna be like “that was an awesome party”.
Guys will hate it cause there’s no women there…
And women will hate it cause they’ll feel like a piece of meat surrounded by a pack of wolves.
It’s a lose-lose for everybody.
So while there’s a lot of things that go into throwing a good party…
Having a bunch of attractive women at the party matters 10x more than anything else.
That’s what fuels everything else.
So it all aligns with my “most important thing” principle.
In almost every endeavor there’s usually ONE THING that matters the most…
In business it’s a consistent flow of new buyers…
With a party it’s attractive women…
In copywriting, it’s being able to write copy that outconverts every other copywriter…
So my advice?
Find the one thing that really matters…
And put nearly all your focus on it.
Cause that’s how you win, and get the best results.
Make sense?
I hope so.
Cause that’s all I got for ya today.
Enjoy your Saturday,
– Justin