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One of my favorite personal finance writers (Ramit Sethi) has a concept he teaches called “living YOUR rich life”.

The idea behind “your rich life” is to figure out the things that matter to YOU, and to spend money on those things. 

This is obviously a highly individual thing.

And what matters to me, might not matter to you…

So for example, here’s a few things that I want as part of my “rich life”. 

1. Not having to do any chores or tasks around my house (this includes mowing the lawn, cleaning my pool, raking leaves, cleaning the house etc…).  

I hate doing all of this shit.  It feels like a complete waste of time.  So instead of grinding through it, I simply pay someone else to do it. 

So part of my rich life, is simply being able to pay someone else to do all the things around the house that I don’t want to do. 

2. Ordering whatever I want when I’m at a restaurant.  Back in the day when I was broke, the only thing I would order at a restaurant was the chicken.  I wouldn’t even look at the steaks, or the sushi.  My eyes just went to the cheapest chicken dish they had on the menu. 

But part of my rich life now is ordering whatever I want at a restaurant.  If I want the $150 tomahawk ribeye, I’ll get it.  If I want the $30 piece of sashimi, I’ll get it.

Being able to choose the food I want (without price being the main factor) is a part of my rich life. 

3.  Flying first class whenever I fly.  I’m not a huge fan of flying in the first place cause I get claustrophobic pretty easily. 

So being in first class makes flying more tolerable.  I can relax.  And I have more space.  Honestly if you booked me a middle seat in coach, I probably wouldn’t even get on the plane.  That’s how much the “comfort” part of flying matters to me. 

So part of my “rich life” is being able to actually enjoy the flight, and for me that means flying first class. 

4.  Having complete freedom in my schedule.  This is a big one for me.  If I want to go to the gym in the afternoon, I want to be able to do it.  If I want to take a few days off and go lay on a beach in Mexico, I want to do it. 

I’m not interested in having a schedule that’s packed full of Zoom calls each day.  I want an open schedule.  And the freedom to do what I want, when I want to do it. 

That’s really why I became an entrepreneur, so having that freedom is critical to my “rich life”. 

5.  I want to be able to donate a significant amount of my time and money to dog rescues.  I usually donate somewhere around $15k-$25k a year to dog rescues.

This year I’ll be doing the same, and also doing more in-person work at the rescues by walking dogs and making their time at the shelter more enjoyable. This is meaningful to me.  And it’s a big passion of mine, so the more of it I can do, the “richer” my life will be. 

So there ya go…

Those are a few of the things I want in my rich life.

These are things that matter to me.

I’d highly encourage you to think of a few things you want in your rich life.

That could be things like…

– not having to mow your lawn

– having a nanny to help with your kids

– being able to join a nice gym instead of going to the $10 Planet Fitness

– having an assistant who does all the paperwork and admin stuff that you don’t want to do

– buying crazy expensive sneakers that you’ve always wanted

– moving to a house with a big backyard

Whatever it is, as long as it matters to you, then that should be a part of your dream “rich life”.

The key is simply figuring out what it is that you want…

And then making it a priority. 

It’s not about what other people want…

Or what society says you should want…

It’s about what YOU actually want.

And when you start focusing on that, you start to have a life that’s much more enjoyable.

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya this morning…

Enjoy your Saturday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.