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There was a post in the Nothing Held Back facebook group about an 18 yr-old kid who wanted to be an entrepreneur…

And he wanted to know what advice we’d give to him.

I’ve thought about this question a lot…

And if I was 18 and in his shoes, here’s what I’d do (based on what I know now).

1.  I’d go work for an entrepreneur that’s doing whatever I wanted to do

I’d bust my ass to make this happen (even if it meant working for free). 

I’d do this because it would have HUGE payoffs down the line for me.

There’s no better way to learn than to learn from someone who is already doing what you want to do.


Because they’ve made all the mistakes.

They know exactly what you should do (and what you shouldn’t do).

So if I was 18 again, I would 100% bust my ass to work for someone that I wanted to be like.

That could be a copywriter…

Or an entrepreneur…

Really doesn’t matter who it is. 

Just that it’s someoone who is successful that’s doing what YOU want to do. 

So that would cover the work part…

And my second suggestion I think is equally important…

2.   I’d go live with other college kids off-campus

The actual learning in college was not very helpful for me, but the social life of college was hugely helpful for me. 

It was the first time I was able to do things on my own. 

I learned how to make new friends, how to talk to girls, how to act at a bar etc…

You learn all the basics of a social life in college.

And have experiences that you’ll remember forever.

So if I was 18, I’d want to have that experience.

Which is why I’d go live off-campus with some friends and have the “college experience”.

It’s the best of both worlds in my eyes.

I’d get to work on something I actually enjoyed (and it would prepare me to be an entrepreneur).

I’d also get to experience all the fun that goes along with college.

So if I was 18…

And knowing what I know now…

This is 100% what I’d do.

So there ya go…

If you know someone that’s aroud this age and the college path isn’t for them, feel free to forward this on to ’em.

That’s all I got for today…

Enjoy your Tuesday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.