Over my years as a copywriting coach, I’ve gotten a unique look at how copywriter’s think…
I’ve gotten to see their insecurities…
Their secret frustrations…
And the deep, dark fears that they never tell anyone else…
And because I’ve had this insight…
I discovered that most copywriters see the world through two very specific lenses.
Which are…
The “exposed” lens.
And the “defective” lens.
So if you’re a copywriter and you’re feeling “exposed” you’re thinking things like…
– what if the client hates my copy?
– what if I try to raise my rates and they say “no”?
– what if I spend months writing this and it bombs?
– what if my client lets me go? what will I do for money?
– I’m scared to reach out to potential clients
These are all “exposed” ways of thinking.
You basically feel vulnerable to a lot of things that could hurt you or embarrass you.
So it’s not a great spot to be in.
Yet, most copywriters live in this lens.
The second lens that most copywriters live in is the “defective” lens.
So if you see things through the “defective” lens , you might have thoughts like…
– I feel like other copywriters are better than me
– Why would they hire me over a better writer?
– I don’t know if my copy is even good
– I’m not sure what to say when I reach out to clients
This is all “defective” thinking.
Basically you feel like you don’t have the necessary skills to succeed.
I probably see the “defective” lens in about 70-80% of the copywriters I help.
And when they’re stuck in the defective and exposed ways of thinking…
It prevents them from…
– making the kind of money they want to make
– writing copy quickly (lots of procrastination)
– charging the fees they deserve
– voicing their opinion to clients
– going after the clients they really want
– breaking away from client work and starting their own business or offer
All of this is the result of living in the “exposed” and “defective” ways of thinking.
It holds you back.
And makes you feel small, inferior and you’re always expecting the worst.
I personally spent a lot of time in these lenses myself (and I still do from time to time)…
But the truth is…
It doesn’t have to be this way.
You can stop feeling like this…
And the best way I know how to do that is through the Correction Method I’ve been telling you about for the last few days.
If you missed my other emails…
The Correction Method is a simple 1-page exercise…
That only takes 20-30 minutes…
And this method allows you to remove or eliminate any mental blocks that are holding you back when it comes to…
– making more money
– getting your writing done
– landing the clients you want
– doubting your copy skills
– charging more
– starting your own business
– and much, much more…
I’ve personally been using this method for the last six years…
And I’ve paid it’s creator (Brent Charleton) over $280,000 in those six years to work with him to use his method.
I’ve seen the difference it’s made in my life…
And in the lives of dozens of other copywriters like…
Dan Ferrari…
Ian Stanley…
Mike Abramov…
Alec Rosa…
Tanner Henkel…
Henry Bingaman…
Peter Tzemis…
Jason Capital…
And plenty more…
So the method works.
And it’s been a game-changer for all of us.
I will warn you…
It’s not cheap.
And it’s not for everyone.
But it’s had a bigger impact on me than Tony Robbins, therapy and ayahuasca combined.
So if that interests you…
I suggest you check it out and see if it’s a fit for you right here.
– Justin