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After selling my stake in Copy Accelerator a few months ago, everyone is asking me what I’m up to now.

Everytime I run into someone…

Or everytime I write an email…

The main question I get is “what are you doing now?”.

Well, here’s the deal…

I don’t have big plans for a new venture…

Or some huge goal…

I am basically enjoying being semi-retired.

So over the last few months that’s looked like…

– Spending 3 weeks in Vegas teaching on a personal development program for men

This is a program I did myself back in 2017.

It’s designed to help guys improve in every area of their life (financially, dating, inner work, fitness).

The program had a big impact on me, so I go back every summer and help teach on it.

And this year I’m helping the guys with multiple things…

For example I’ll be teaching the entrepreneurship portion of the program.

I also taught a portion on masculinity, leading and how to create safety in a relationship (super important if you want to have a good relationship).

Then in addition to that, I also helped all the guys in the program dial-in their fashion and their haircuts (they needed a lot of help in this area, so there were some big transformations).

I get a lot of fulfillment out of seeing the guys transform from week 1 til week 8, so I’m glad to be a part of it.

And I’m actually going back to Vegas again in September for the final 3 weeks of the program.

So that’s where a lot of my focus has been lately…

The second thing I’ve been focused on is investing.

– I want to get 30% of my investements into real estate 

One of my goals for this year was to diversify into real estate.


Cause as of now, I just have index funds and crypto.

Which is perfectly fine…

But I want to spread that risk out a little more into assets like real estate.

So I’ve been doing a lot of due dilligence on real estate syndicates this year.

I’m looking at apartments, self storage and mobile home parks. 

And I’ve found a few gems through the investing mastermind I’m in that I’m going to put money into.

Basically I’m taking most of the money I’m getting from my Copy Accelerator buy out and putting that into real estate.

This will not only help me diversify my portfolio…

But the depreciation on the real estate will also help me offset a lot of the capital gains I’m gonna have from the buy out.

So I should be able to have nearly 0 taxes on my buy out.

Which is nice.

So yeh, lots of work going into finding the right real estate investments lately.

Now, my last focus has been one that I’ve been wanting to put more time into for a while. 

– Spending more time dating, meeting new people

This is one for me that has always been second fiddle (business stuff always came first).

But lately, I’ve made dating more of a priority.

I went out with a few girls that I met while I was in Vegas…

And this past weekend I flew to Miami to meetup with a girl I’ve been talking to.

I’m not sure if any of these dates will morph into something, but for now it’s fun.

I had a realization a few weeks ago that I’ve been settling for women who don’t really have much going on in their life.

Like they’re attractive…

And they’re fun…

But other than that, they just kind of “exist”.

They’re not passionate about anything…

Or able to teach me new things…

I think they kind of see me as this fun, successful guy, and they like being a part of my life…

However, they’re not adding much to my life.

That was a big realization for me…

So I’ve been really seeking out someone who is more on my level with dating.

Obviously that’s gonna be harder to find…

But it’s something that’s important to me for a long term relationship.

So that’s where my dating life stands these days…

The last thing I’ve been up to is getting the whee;ls in motion on a few projects I’ve wanted to do for a while.

– More trainings on email copy, as well as a secret advanced copy retreat w/Dan Ferrari

As I mentioned yesterday, I’ll be doing a lot more stuff around email copy in the future.

I’m gonna do a training on how I write my daily emails…

And I’ll probably do an email mentorship in early 2023.

I also have a secret project I’m working on with the man, the myth, the legend, Dan Ferrari.

If you’re not familiar with Dan, he is a true A-list copywriter…

And he thinks about things like the big idea, copy structure and the offer on a whole ‘nother level.

It’s why a lot of the big dogs bring him in behind the scenes to fix their copy…

And to train their writers…

Now I can’t dilvulge too much about what Dan and I are doing.

Cause it won’t be open to the public.

It’ll be invite only. 

But we’ll be doing an advanced copy workshop later this year with an intimate group of 5-6 people.

We’re not gonna be promoting this workshop to our lists…

As I said it’ll be invite only.

But it’s a project I’m pumped about.

I think it will have a major impact on the 5-6 people that get to attend.

So really looking forward to that one.

And I’m pumped to be working on projects that I really want to do.

So there ya go…

That’s a little rundown of what I’ve been up to lately.

Like I said, I’m not starting a new business or anything like that…

Just taking it easy and enjoying life.

And that’s been a lot of fun so far.

Alrighty, time for me to wrap this up.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Monday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.