If you’re on any of the big copywriting lists, you’re gonna see people all week hyping up my coach, Brent Charleton’s mindset course.
They’re going to tell you it’s the best thing since sliced bread…
And how Brent’s method is going to help you make more money…
And get rid of your writer’s block…
And end your procrastination….
You’ll see this over and over again.
(It’s all true by the way).
His course WILL allow you to make more money, charge more and end your procrastination.
But what you won’t see in everyone’s emails are some of the downsides of going through Brent’s work.
So I want to share one of the big downsides with you today…
That way you have a clear understanding of what you’re getting into…
Sound good?
So as powerful as Brent’s method is…
And as much as it has changed my life…
I can emphatically say…
Using his method is not like going to a Tony Robbins event where it’s all fun and roses…
For example…
One of the first things I worked on with Brent was the “imposter syndrome” I had always felt.
I didn’t understand it.
By all metrics, I was successful.
I was making 6 or 7 figures a year…
People respected me…
Yet, deep down I still felt like a fraud.
And felt like I didn’t belong.
So Brent and I dug into this…
And tried to get to the root cause of it…
Turns out pretty much my entire childhood my mom was telling me that nothing I did was ever good enough.
If I got a B on a report card, I’d never hear the end of it.
If I had bad round of golf, she’d criticize me for not practicing enough.
So I was always trying to get my mom to be proud of me when I was little…
But she never was.
This led to me feeling like I was worthless.
And that I could never do anything right.
Well guess what?
That feeling carried over into adulthood.
So as an adult…
I looked like I was successful and doing well from the outside…
But on the inside I still felt like a piece of shit who couldn’t do anything right.
AKA I felt like an imposter.
And a huge fraud.
So when Brent and I dug into this…
It brought up a lot of tough memories that I had suppressed over the years…
Memories of my mom abusing me…
Memories of her screaming at me and chasing me around the house…
It was ugly.
And I cried numerous times throughout the session.
But here’s the thing…
As emotional as it was…
And as much as it sucked to dig into those memories…
I needed it.
Cause this was the real root cause of why I felt like an imposter.
This is where it all stemmed from.
And if I wanted to not feel like an imposter anymore…
I had to get to the root of where it came from.
And that’s exactly what we did.
Cause once we figured out where it came from, and we did a few corrections around it…
I started to feel like a 100 lb weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
I was so much lighter…
And I was actually seeing my worth for the first time.
It was an incredible feeling.
But we had to go through some “shit” to get there.
It wasn’t all sunshine and roses.
So I wanted to share that with you…
Cause it’s a good example of what Brent’s Corrections Method is like.
If you’re looking for a rah-rah Tony Robbins event…
This ain’t it…
But if you want a proven method for getting rid of the mental and emotional blocks that are causing you to…
– struggle to make money
– procrastinate with starting a business
– suffer from writer’s block
– feel like an imposter
– and more…
Then this is for you.
Cause that’s what Brent’s course will help you with.
As I said yesterday…
I’ve been through Tony Robbins events…
Landmark forum…
Ayahuasca retreats…
NLP trainings…
And traditional therapy…
And while all those things were helpful on some level…
Nothing has given me the long-lasting, permanent change that Brent’s correction method has.
This is why I’m so passionate about it.
And why I want to get it into your hands…
So if you’re ready to get rid of the “blocks” that are holding you back from…
– making more money
– starting your own business
– writing freely without procrastination
– feeling like you belong (and not like an imposter)…
– and a whole lot more…
Then I suggest checking out Brent’s stuff right here.
Normally it’s $125,000 to work with Brent as a personal client…
And even at that price he has a nearly 18 month waiting list…
If you pick up his Corrections Course…
You’ll get access to the exact same method that I have used with Brent for the last six years.
And you’re getting it at a tiny fraction of the price that I pay to work with him.
So it’s a hell of a deal…
And I can’t recommend it enough.
So if that piques your interest…
I suggest you check it out right here.
– Justin