Tell me if this sounds familiar…
It’s time for you to crank out some email copy…
So you sit down…
Put your fingers on the keyboard…
However no ideas are flowing…
Nothing jumps to mind…
So you stare at the blank screen for a while…
Still nothing.
You look over at your phone…
And you have an Instagram notification…
So you open it…
Looks like your friend had sushi last night…
And another friend sent you a meme of a dog sliding on a patch of ice…
You laugh.
After a few minutes of this, you realize you need to get back to work…
So you put the phone away…
Again, the blank page is staring back at you.
But still no ideas.
So you mosey over to the kitchen and get yourself a glass of water…
“Maybe this will give me some ideas” you think to yourself.
You take your time…
Drink your water…
Maybe even touch your toes and stretch a bit…
In your head, you know you need to write.
But you’re avoiding it.
Cause you don’t have any good ideas.
Any of this sound familiar to you?
If you write a lot of emails, it should.
Cause it’s normal.
But here’s the thing…
The best way to beat this…
Is to simply get started.
And the best way to get started…
Is to lean on a template or an AI prompt…
No use driving yourself crazy when the ideas aren’t flowing…
Let AI do the hard lifting…
And then you can simply touch it up…
And send it out…
Now maybe that appeals to you…
Maybe it doesn’t…
But if it does…
I’d highly suggest grabbing the 21 Forbidden Email Prompts that I’ve been telling you about.
These are high-level email prompts that A-list copywriters Mario Castelli and Stefan Georgi recently put together.
They can help you write faster…
Get past writer’s block…
And knock out a winning email in less than 10 minutes…
Normally these prompts are only available to the people in Stefan and Mario’s mastermind…
And those people pay between $5,000 and $30,000 to have access to them…
For the next few days…
Stefan and Mario are offering up all of their best-performing email prompts…
For just $297.
Which is a heck of a deal.
You can even split that into three payments of $99 if you want…
That way it’s easier on your cash flow.
So that’s the deal…
Like I said, these email prompts are legit…
And they actually produce A-level copy…
So if you’re interested in checking ’em out…
You can see all 21 of the prompts right here.
I will warn you though…
This is a limited time deal…
So if you want to get your hands on it…
I suggest you check out the 21 Forbidden Email Prompts right here.
– Justin