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After taking the last few weeks off from writing emails, I wanted to give you a little update on what I’m up to…

Here’s the deal…

Over the last year or so I’ve been going through a big change in my life.

I’ve started to really think deeply about what I want my life to be about…

Who I want to be…

How much money I really need…

What kind of impact I want to have…

Who I want to spend my time with…

What I’m about (and what I’m not about)…

How many good years I have left…

So I’m going through a big change…

And it’s been an uncomfortable change to be frank.

I’m normally quite confident in myself and my decisions…

But this transition has me questioning everything.

So over the last few weeks…

I spent a lot of time journaling…

And thinking about my life…

And during that time…

I realized a few things…

– I have enough money already, so I want to put less of my focus on work

– I have a lot of other interests outside of copywriting that I want to put more of my time into (i.e. mentoring, dog rescues and crypto)

So with that in mind…

Here’s what I’m planning to do…

1.  I’m going to scale back on writing emails and creating courses

Normally I write an email each day, and I promote two offers a month to my list.

This obviously takes a good chunk of time…

And occupies a lot of my mental capacity.

So I’m going to scale this back significantly.

Going forward I’m planning to write ONE email a week.

And then I’m gonna create courses maybe 3 times a year on topics I really want to teach.

This will obviously be very different from how I do things now.

But I think it’s the right move for me.

It’ll free me up my time…

And also my mind…

And allow me to focus on the other things I’m interested in these days.

Which is what the second part of my plan is all about…

2.  Putting more time into things that interest me like dog rescues, crypto investing, and mentoring young guys on biz/life decisions

There’s a lot of stuff in the second part of my plan.

So I’ll breakdown each one for ya…

Spending more time with dog rescues – this is one of my biggest passions, and I get a lot of fulfillment from helping the dogs at rescues to feel loved and to help them find a forever home.

I already volunteer at the Austin Animal Center a couple times a week, so I’m going to keep that up…

And I may do more work with them in regards to helping them with things like their email campaigns and direct mail.

So a big chunk of my time will be with the dogs…

Along with the dogs, my next focus will be…

Putting more time into crypto – I think there’s some huge opportunities that will play out in this current crypto bull market (especially with AI coins) so I’m putting a lot of time into it.

It’s been fun learning a bunch of new skills like reading charts, watching the economy, measuring public sentiment etc…

I’m a big believer in Bitcoin long term.  And I see a lot of opportunity in AI coins in the short term, so I’m putting more time into them. 

So that’s the second thing getting my attention.

The last part of my plan is something I really love and that’s… 

Mentoring younger guys – I get a lot of fullfillment from helping younger guys on their life decisions. 

Whether that’s with their business, career, health, girls, family…whatever it is. 

I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, and I’ve also had a lot of success, so I like sharing that wisdom with younger guys who it can help.  I never really had that kind of mentor when I was younger, and I wish I had. 

So I want to be that guy for younger guys who are looking for guidance.

I’m not sure exactly what the mentoring program will look like (or what it will cost), but it’s on my mind, and it’s something I want to explore in 2024.


That’s what I’m planning for the rest of the year.

Like I said, my overall goal is to work LESS and to enjoy life MORE…

So I’m scaling some things back…

And putting more focus on the things that interest me.

I think it’s the right move for me.

So I’m gonna go with it.

If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this and let me know.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.