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Since I sold my stake in Copy Accelerator last July, my only focus has been my email list.

Mostly building my list…

And monetizing it…


Cause email is simple…

It allows me to make $60k-80k a month on average…

And I only have to work an hour or two a day…

So it’s been a nice change of pace from the grind I was on for so many years. 

And since I’m not working as much these days, I’ve been able to do some pretty fun things like…

– hang out in Vegas for an entire month and catch-up with some old friends of mine

– surf in Sayulita, Mexico for 14 days last December

– lounge around at a resort in Cancun while I got massages, and sipped fruity drinks 

– travel back to Ohio to see my grandma for her 90th birthday

– see my sister and spend a few days with my nephew Wells (I took him to TopGolf and taught him how to golf for the first time, and now he’s hooked) 

– volunteering more of my time walking dogs at the Austin Animal Center

This is all stuff I wanted to do in the past…

But I never had the time to do.

But now that I’m just focusing on my list…

My days are a lot more chill.

And I have a lot more time to “enjoy life”.

I’m not saying any of this to brag…

But moreso to show you that a life like this IS possible.

And the way to do it is with your email list.

Maybe this appeals to you…

Maybe it doesn’t…

But if it does…

Then I want to help you build and monetize your email list so you too can have a laid-back lifestyle that brings in the kind of money you want…

Here’s the deal…

For the last few days I’ve been telling you that I’m hosting a small workshop on email marketing at my house at the end of August.

This workshop will be limited to 4 people.

Which means you’ll get lots of 1-on-1 time with me…

And during the workshop, I’m going to go over your current email marketing setup and show you…

– exactly what to say in your emails so they hit harder and bring in more sales

– how to grow your list by adding higher quality leads and buyers to your list

– the specific offers that would be guaranteed homeruns to your list

– hidden revenue boosters you’re missing out on that you could easily add to increase your monthly revenue

– and a whole lot more…

During the workshop you’ll get direct feedback from me on exactly what you should do to increase your email revenue and grow your list. 

That way you can make good money while only working a few hours a day. 

As I mentioned before, this will be an in-person workshop at my house in Austin, TX.

It’ll take place on August 29th and 30th.

It’s limited to just 4 people.

Workshops I’ve done in the past have cost as much as $25,000.

But for this one, the price is just $7950 per person.

So if you’re interested in being a part of this small, intimate email workshop at my house…

Then I suggest putting in an application now.

Today is the LAST day to put in an application.

So you need to get yours in before 5 PM CT today.

After 5 PM, I’ll go over the applications and pick the four attendees who are the best fit for the workshop. 

So you’re serious about making more dough with your email list so you can live a laidback lifestyle…

Then this is for you.

Just pop over to the application page, and get that filled out before 5 PM CT.

Here’s the link to fill that out…

-> Apply to be a part of Justin’s email workshop

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.