One of the best things I’ve ever implemented in my business is the “no asshole” rule.
And here’s what I mean by that…
My business involves a lot of 1-on-1 interactions…
People are always responding to my daily emails…
I answer questions in our Facebook group…
And when we have our live Copy Accelerator events, I’m always chatting with people and talking about how I can help them.
When you run this kind of business, it’s crucial that you actually like the people you interact with.
You should enjoy spending time with them.
And having conversations with them.
This is why I have a “no asshole” policy.
And this policy has served me well…
Just yesterday a guy replied to my daily email with a rather rude response.
I wrote him a response saying that if he wasn’t a fan of my emails, he can simply unsubscribe.
His response?
This is a clear sign of a guy that I have no interest of having in my world.
So what did I do?
I removed him from my list.
And I deleted him from Justin & Stefan Talk Copy.
I didn’t argue with him…
Or try to put him in his place.
Best to just remove him and move on.
Cause the reality is that I have no interest in someone like that being a part of my world.
Furthermore, I really want to make sure that person doesn’t get MORE involved in my business.
If this guy is gonna be an asshole, I don’t want him at my events…
And I certainly don’t want him joining my mastermind.
Odds are he would never do that…
But better to be safe than sorry.
I’ve learned over the years that someone that’s an asshole to me is going to be an asshole to others.
So there’s a good chance he’d make other people uncomfortable at our events…
And ruin the vibe of the mastermind…
So I just prefer to cut him out before he infects anymore people.
And that’s an important lesson to learn…
Cause in the end, this is YOUR business.
You should work with who YOU want to work with.
Nobody is forcing you to work with everyone.
You get to choose.
No need to cater to assholes.
And to keep them around.
There are far better people out there that you’ll actually enjoy working with.
So go after them.
And leave the assholes for someone else.
That’s my 2 cents.
Enjoy your Saturday,
– Justin