This month I made the tough decision to end my print newsletter which was bringing me in around $50,000 a month.
That might seem insane to you…
Cause $50,000 a month is a ton of dough…
Especially for writing a 20-page newsletter.
So why did I end it?
Well there were numerous reasons…
But the biggest one was simply that it took too much of my focus away from Copy Accelerator.
Sometime in February it hit me that I had a long list of stuff I wanted to implement with Copy Accelerator to make the program better.
Yet I hadn’t done any of it.
Because the newsletter was taking up my time.
And I don’t mean the actual writing of the newsletter was taking up my time.
That part was easy.
What was taking up my time was all the other stuff involved with running that business…
Creating courses…
Setting up launches…
Billing issues…
Shipping issues due to COVID…
It was a lot.
And the whole project warped into something much bigger than I ever imagined.
So I decided to end it.
And that was not an easy decision.
Shutting down something that people really liked…
And that I enjoyed writing…
And that paid me $50k a month is not easy…
I battled with this decision for weeks.
Part of me felt like an idiot for shutting it down.
Like I was giving up on amazing opportunity.
But in the end, I wasn’t practicing what I preach.
One of the things I always say is you need “cut more and focus on less”.
The guy who tries to do 3 things is usually less successful than the guy who does 1 thing.
Well that’s what I was doing.
I was trying to do too much.
I thought I could run both businesses, but the reality is that I couldn’t.
And my time was better spent focusing on Copy Accelerator, and helping our members to grow their businesses.
So that’s why I shut it down.
I may do a few more emails detailing the other reasons why I shut this down (cause there were a few reasons)…
This should give you some good insight into how I think.
I may do that in the coming days.
Hopefully me sharing this gave you some good insight into how I think about what to focus on.
Enjoy your Wednesday…
– Justin

If you’re a subscriber to my print newsletter, and you haven’t read the April issue yet, this is probably coming as a surprise to you.
Everything is explained in that issue. I also address how I’ll be giving a pro-rated refund to the handful of people who were yearly subscribers.
All of that info is in the April issue that you’ll be getting soon.
In the meantime, if you have any further questions just shoot my assistant an email at