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True story, back in February I went through a week-long phase where it took me over two hours to write my emails each morning.

That’s no bullshit.

My mornings would basically go as follows…

– Sit down at my laptop and write for 20-30 minutes

– Realize I didn’t like what I was writing, so I’d try to edit it and make it better

– Eventually delete the entire email cause it sucked

– Start a new email with a new idea

– Get 15 minutes into the new idea and realize it was generic and not interesting enough

– Shut my laptop

– At this point I’d either go for a walk, or hop in the shower with the hopes that a good idea would come to me

– Eventually I’d sit back down at my laptop and struggle for another 40 minutes to finally put an email together

That was my process every morning back in February.

Every email was a complete slog… 

It felt I was army crawling though a muddy football field.

So not only was it a struggle…

But my sales in February were the lowest they had been all year.

So things were not great…


After going through this day-in and day-out for over a week, I eventually had a realization.

And that realization was…

I was trying to be “Mr. Creative” and come up with totally original ideas for my emails.

So I wasn’t sticking with the emails that I knew converted…

Well, guess what?

That made writing 10x harder!

Coming up with an original idea everyday was damn near impossible. 

So what did I do?

I stopped trying to be “Mr. Creative”.

And I simply went back to the email angles that worked for me in the past.

And guess what happened?  

I went from grinding out a 2-hour email every morning…

To knocking out a 30-minute email with ease…

The difference was night and day.

These emails were easy to write…

And I didn’t have to go through a 2-hour torture session every morning to finish it. 

I could actually enjoy my writing.

And I felt good about what I was putting out.


I wanted to share this story with you for two reasons…

One, to let you know that no matter how good you get at email copy, you’ll still have some struggles…

And two, that if you want to write winning emails a LOT faster, then stop trying to be “original” and simply use the angles and hooks that have been proven to work.

That’s what I did…

And that’s what I still do every morning.

I basically have a “cheat sheet” of proven hooks that have worked for 10+ years. 

And I simply refer to that before I write my email each morning.

Maybe having a “cheat sheet” like this appeals to you…

Maybe it doesn’t…

But if it does…

Then I suggest you snag a copy of my course titled “The 13 Most Profitable Email Hooks Of All Time”.

In the course, I show you endless examples of each of these 13 highly profitable email hooks including… 

– the “S.T.D. hook” that brought in over 70,000 buyers for a supplement offer in a single year 

– the “Truth Serum hook” that outperformed every other email in a recent launch and helped me nab 2nd place in the launch 

– the “P.O.T.P. hook” that crushes in niches where your buyers are highly skeptical (like “make money”, fitness, financial and health)

– the “Admission hook” that sold 112 units of a $1997 physical product ($223k in total sales)

– the “M.I.T. hook” that’s probably the easiest email to write, but also continues to dominate in niches like dating, financial and health

– the “Dr. Doom hook” that I’ve used to DOUBLE the sales on the last day of a sale or a launch

– the “BL tease” that makes it as easy as pie to sell courses, ebooks and information products 

– the “tin foil hook” that’s so weird and outlandish that it gets massive open rates which in turn leads to big sales

– the “Therapy Mirror” hook that’s pulled in more sales than any other email I’ve sent in 2023 (this is by far the best performing hook I’ve used this year)

– Plus many, many more of the most profitable email hooks of all time

All that (and more) is revealed to you in the course.

Plus you’re also getting an entire swipe file of all the email hooks I show you…

So you’ll have that swipe file to keep…

And you can refer back to it anytime you need an idea for an email.

I put a ton of effort into this training…

And I think it will be insanely helpful (and profitable) for you if…

– You have your own email list…

– You write email copy for clients…

– You’re a list manager…

– Or you’re new to email copy and you’d like to have some proven emails to swipe

If any of those sound like you…

Then this training will be right up your alley.

Cause here’s the truth…

You can spend years and years testing new email hooks and try to figure out which ones work best…


You can simply use the 13 proven, tested and highly profitable hooks I’m gonna share with you on the training.

I already slaved over the ideas…

I spent hundreds of hours writing the copy….

I ran split test after split test…

And now instead of doing the same yourself…

You can just swoop in and use the winning hooks that I’m gonna show you. 

So if that appeals to you…

Then I suggest snagging a copy of this course, before I close it down tomorrow night…

In the past, I’ve sold courses for as much as $1499.

But until Sunday night, you can pick this one up for just two payments of $99.

So it’s incredibly affordable…

And I’m willing to bet it will not only make your email copy sell more stuff…

But it will make your writing easier as well…

So if that interests you…

I suggest you snag a copy of this training while it’s available.

Just an FYI, I will be pulling this offer down tomorrow night (Sunday) at 11:59 PM CT.

So if you wait and try to buy it after that…

You’ll see a big ole’ block of text that says “sorry this offer is not available anymore”.

So if you want to get your hands on it, I wouldn’t dilly dally.

Just head over to the checkout page and get yourself a copy of the recording and the PDF of “The 13 Most Profitable Email Hooks Of All Time” right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.