I had kind of an odd morning today…
Because I didn’t roll out of bed til 10 AM.
Which is not normal.
Usually I’m up at 730-8 no matter what time I go to bed.
And then I hop right into my work from 8-10.
But none of that happened this morning.
I lazily rolled out of bed at 10…
Took my time getting some water…
And enjoyed a little sun outside.
While I was sitting outside it struck me that I was “okay” with all of this.
I was okay with the fact that I didn’t follow my usual routine…
I was okay with the fact that I didn’t get my “magic time” in from 8-10 this morning (this is when I do my best work).
And being “okay” with all that is a big win for me.
Cause here’s the truth…
You can’t be “on” everyday.
You can’t always follow your routine perfectly.
Things are going to come up…
Or your body is going to need a break.
And you just need to accept that…
And not beat yourself up over it.
That’s the key.
Like a lot of entrepreneurs, I’m my own worst enemy with this stuff.
I’ll be hard on myself…
And expect myself to be perfect.
But you just have to realize that it’s okay (and normal) to have an “off day”.
Everyone has ’em.
I do…
You do…
Jeff Bezos does…
We all have off days.
So just learn to be okay with having an off day.
You’ll feel a lot better if you can just accept it…
And not beat yourself up over it.
Make sense?
I hope so.
Cause I gotta get ready for our Copy Accelerator call.
Enjoy your Tuesday…
– Justin

Stefan Georgi and I recently opened up a few spots in our mentoring program (this is open to both copywriters and offer owners)
If that interests you, give this a read