Piggybacking off of yesterday’s email on selling people what they want (and not what they need) I want to show you a great example of this…
Back in the summer of 2010, I went through a really tough breakup.
It was a girl I had been dating for nearly 3 years.
We lived together…
We had dogs together…
All of our friends had become friends…
I thought I was going to be with this girl for the rest of my life, so I was planning on proposing to her that summer…
But before I could do that, things started to go south.
She became more distant.
We were arguing more and more.
I didn’t really know what the issue was.
But one night she came home from her bartending job, sat down on our bed, and said “I can’t do this anymore”.
She was breaking up with me.
I was pretty naive to how she was feeling, so I was blindsided by all of this.
I felt like I’d been punched in the stomach.
I wanted to curl up in the corner and die.
For the next few weeks, I was a mess.
All I could think about was her…
And how I could get her back.
I remember Googling damn near everything I could about how to get your girlfriend back.
And the marketer in me realized very quickly that there were a LOT of books and courses in this niche.
Well because it’s a true bleeding-neck problem.
When someone breaks up with you, you’re an emotional wreck.
Your whole life gets turned upside down.
You can’t eat…
You’re crying all day…
So in that kind of situation, you’ll do ANYTHING (and pretty much pay anything) to get that person back.
And while going through that breakup really sucked for me, it taught me a very important lesson as a marketer…
Bleeding-neck problems are what people want to fix.
Cause it’s on their mind all day…
It’s causing them immense amounts of pain and suffering.
It’s keeping them up at night…
So they’re usually willing to pony up some money to get rid of those problems.
Which is a good marketing lesson to learn…
The more you can create offers that solve “bleeding neck” problems, the better you’ll do.
Cause that’s what’s on people’s minds.
That’s what is causing them emotional distress.
And that’s what they want to get rid of.
Not every offer can be a “bleeding neck” problem kind of offer.
But the closer you can get to solving a “bleeding neck” problem, the more sales you’ll make.
Keep that in mind.
And enjoy your Friday.
– Justin