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I’m a big believer that you’ll make more sales focusing on someone’s current pain and frustrations than if you focus on the future benefits of whatever it is you’re selling.

For example…

My cousin texted me last night and was telling me  that he’s sick of being a police officer.

He’s been doing it for 16 years.

And he said the stress is just killing him.

Everyday he’s tense.

He’s constantly worried some nutjob is gonna kill him.

He’s watched other officers die right in front of his eyes.

So he’s just reaching his breaking point.

He doesn’t want to do it anymore.

He doesn’t want to be tied down to a job that he has to work at for 12 hours a day.

What he really wants to do is get away from it all and travel.

Him and his wife (who is also a cop) want to buy an RV and hit up all the national parks.

They want to be out in nature.

And do their own thing.

Now here’s what I find interesting about this…

My cousin is prime prospect for a biz-opp offer. 

He has money.

And he’s unhappy with his job.

However, most copywriters if they were trying to sell something to my cousin would really focus on his dream of traveling.

They’d paint the picture of being in the RV, and going from one national park to another.

No cares in the world…

Just enjoying the outdoors and relaxing.

And by all means, that is NOT a bad pitch.

But what would really connect with him, is talking about the pain and frustration he feels with his current situation.

Cause that’s what he’s thinking about every day.

That’s what he’s bitching about to his wife (and to me)…

Yes, he wants to travel and do his own thing…

But what he really wants is to get OUT of his current situation. 

So if I was writing copy to my cousin…

I would focus on that.

I’d talk about how he feels undervalued at work…

And how he feels like he’s putting his life on the line, only to be criticized for everything he does…

I’d talk about how he thought this job would give him honor and recognition –  but the reality is that it’s chaining him to work and ruining his health. 

That’s what I’d talk about.


Cause that’s what he’s thinking.

Sure, he dreams of getting his RV and traveling around with his wife…

But what he really wants more than anything is to get out of his current situation. 

And that’s a big marketing lesson for you.

As my friend Travis Sago would say…

People want to get off “hell island” more than they want to get to heaven.

That’s what this is all about.

Focus on how you can get them off “hell island”.

Your bank account will thank you.

– Justin

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