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Note: I’m flying back to Austin this morning, so today’s email is a reprint of one of my favorites about why you should be lazy on Saturdays 

A guy named Mark sent me a message recently asking…

How do you get over feeling guilty about not working on the weekends?  I’m trying to take time to be with my family this weekend, but I get this sense of guilt because I’m not making progress on my new offer.  I feel like I need to be working

Good question.

This is actually something I think about a lot.

The short answer is that not every day of your life has to be productive.

You’re allowed to have lazy days.

You’re allowed to do nothing.

In fact, I’d say it should be required.


Because you need breaks away from work.

Look at anyone who operates at an elite level, and you’ll notice they take breaks.

Do you think Lebron James works as hard in the offseason as he does during the season?

Hell no.

I’m sure he works out in the gym…

And does all of his shooting drills…

But he’s not running up and down the court for 3 hours every night. 

He knows his body needs time off.

So he uses the offseason for this.

It’s when he takes vacations…

And has his “lazy days”.

If Lebron just went pedal to the metal every offseason, his game would suffer.

And the same principle applies to your work week.

If you’re pushing it hard during the week…

The idea that you can’t take a day or two off on the weekend is crazy.

You deserve some time off.

This should be your time to be lazy as hell.

And to not think about work. 

In fact, I’d say that’s one of the best things you can do.

Cause it’ll re-energize you…

And help you be more creative. 

Point being…

You shouldn’t feel guilty about not working on the weekend.

The most successful people I know have balance in their lives.

Sure they work hard…

But they have no problem taking days off either.

That’s my 2 cents…

Enjoy your Saturday,

– Justin

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