I’m working on my opening talk right now for our upcoming Copy Acceleratoor event.
And the title of my talk is quite brazen…
“Why you should feed your customers crack”
Im sure that might be off-putting to some…
And offensive to others…
But the reality is that if you understand what your customer’s “crack” is, you can make endless sales.
And here’s what I mean by that…
Every niche has it’s own “crack”.
It’s the thing the people in that niche simply can’t get enough of.
And no matter how many times you say it…
They keep buying.
Cause it’s like “crack” to them.
They can’t help it.
I’ll give ya an example…
If you look at any of the biggest biz-opp promos that have run over the last few years, they all use the same “crack”.
– they talk about the frustration of having a boss who’s always telling you what to do
– And you not having control over your life (your time, your income, your schedule)
– And you feeling like you were meant for something better – something that allows you to live life on your own terms
This is in almost every biz-opp offer.
And then they wrap it up in a pretty bow and give you a way to achieve this through a VERY simple system (this is key).
That might be selling bunkbeds on Craigslist…
It might be selling leads to local businesses…
Whatever it is, it’s simple…
And they make it seem like a 5th grader could do it.
There’s no responsibility of running a business…
Or managing employees…
It’s just “do this one thing and you’ll make money”.
For the biz-opp market, this is “crack”.
They can’t get enough of it.
And it’s why the most successful copy in that niche uses this “crack” over and over again.
It doesn’t go stale.
It always sells.
So if you use it, they will buy from you over and over again.
Like I said this happens in EVERY niche.
Every niche has it’s own unique “crack”.
And it’s why I’m going to be breaking this down during my opening talk at the Copy Accelerator event.
I’ll show you example after example of customer’s “crack” in all of the big niches.
So I’ll have examples for health, financial, dating, biz opp, personal development, survival and more.
This way you’ll know exactly what the “crack” is for those markets.
And you can use it over and over again to make your copy convert.
Like I said, this will be my opening talk at the upcoming Copy Accelerator event in Scottsdale…
So if you don’t have a ticket yet for the event…
I’d suggest you snap one up now before we sell out (our last two live events both sold out).
Cause once the tickets are gone, they’re gone.
We won’t be releasing more…
Or upgrading to a bigger room.
So if you want to be there to see my “crack” talk…
I’d snag a ticket now while you still can.
-> Get your ticket to Copy Accelerator LIVE
Hope to see ya there…
– Justin