Yesterday, I opened up enrollment for the next Copy Accelerator mastermind in late August.
And right out of the gate, 32 people applied to attend.
Which is awesome.
Now normally I would tell you all about how great this event is going to be…
And why you should get a ticket…
But today I’m gonna do something different.
Instead of telling you why you should attend…
I’m gonna tell you why you should NOT attend.
Here goes…
1. You should not attend the event if you already have too much money and you can’t find enough rubber bands to stack more money coming your way (aka Pablo Escobar problems)
2. You should not attend the event if you’re an asshole and people don’t like being around you
3. You should not attend the event if you’re uptight and easily offended by humor, cussing and things like that (Stefan and I tend to speak how we talk at these events)
4. You should not attend the event if you’re that guy who sent me the email saying “I’m no Stepan Georgi” (seriously do not come, we won’t let you in)
I could prolly keep going here…
But you get the point.
If you meet any of that criteria, then prolly best that you stay home.
If you’re a copywriter, offer owner or marketer that wants to learn “what’s working now” when it comes to VSL’s, emails, upsells, Youtube and more…
Then this is the event for you.
Cause that’s all we talk about.
And we have a loaded line-up of speakers who are gonna spill the beans on real tactics that are working right now.
People like Ian Stanley, Rich Schefren, Dan Ferrari, Sabah Karimi, Josh “Snow” Elizetxe, Chris Haddad and even a special guest from the $400 million dollar Golden Hippo brand.
You’ll get to learn from each one of them…
Along with Stefan Georgi and myself…
For 2.5 days…
By the end of the event, you’ll easily have new ideas and tactics you can implement that will add a whole lot of dough to your bank account.
And not only that…
But the connections you’ll make will be huge.
At our last event in Vegas, most of the copywriters walked out of the event with 2-3 new clients.
I know Art McDermont did it…
Michael Rochin landed a $10k a month client…
Mario Castelli landed two clients who pay him $12k or more per sales letter…
So it’s a goldmine for copywriters.
And then if you have your own offer, this is THE event to find good copywriters, media buyers and traffic partners to help you grow…
The guys at VShred (a $200 million dollar company) hired at least 6 copywriters from the last event.
So did companies like Agora, Performance Golf, Native Path, PaleoHacks, Credit Secrets and more.
So the connections you’ll make will be huge.
And what’s cool is that Stefan and I insist that there’s no egos at our event.
Everyone is on the same level.
No matter if you’re brand new or if you’re making $100 mil a year.
We’re all equal…
So if you want to meet someone, just grab Stefan or I and we’ll make an intro for you.
We want to see you get a 10x return on this event before it’s over…
So we’re happy to help you do that…
Unlike most events ours are by application only.
So you need to apply for a seat (unless you’ve already been to one of our events, then you can just buy a ticket)
The application is our way of making sure we only let cool people in who aren’t assholes that will ruin the vibe.
So whether you’re a copywriter…
An offer owner…
Or a media buyer/marketer…
If you want to learn all the tactics of what’s working now, then I suggest you apply for a seat at the next Copy Accelerator event.
Our members pay anywhere between $12,500 and $45,000 to be a part of this group and to attend these events…
But you don’t have to pay that much.
You can get a seat at the event for just $1450.
Which is a screaming deal if you ask me.
So if that piques your interest, I recommend giving the event page a look right here.
That will give you all the deets you need.
I hope to see ya there.
Here’s the link again…
– Justin