Continuing on with the Q&A this week…
This question is from Federick about getting rid of “shiny object syndrome”.
—-I suffer bad from SHINY OBJECT SYNDROME I start projects, websites, ideas, half-created blog posts, whatever……..then move on to the next shiny object. (Sad face)What is your best advice to stay focused and beat up that next shiny monster that pays me a visit?
First let me say, you’re not alone in this.
It happens to everyone.
I see it with newbies…
And I see it with people making $8 mil a year…
In fact, when I started out back in 2004 or so, I was the shiny object syndrome guy.
I was learning how to do SEO…
Then I got into blogging…
Then I was playing around with pay-per-click…
Then I tried writing articles with affiliate links…
It was one thing after another.
I never built a real business.
I just hopped from one thing to another.
And while I made some money doing this…
I could have made a LOT more if I had just focused on one thing and gotten really good at it.
So that’s one thing to keep in mind…
Second, the reality is that shiny object syndrome is usually about a deeper emotional issue going on inside of you.
Most of the people I know who suffer from shiny object syndrome, do it so they don’t have to put themselves out there.
It’s a defense mechanism.
Cause if you just hop from one thing to another, then you never have to follow through on things, and you can’t fail.
You can tell yourself a bullshit story that you tried…
And that you did your best…
So you feel ok about it…
But you never went all-in and faced the possibility of failing.
This is quite common.
You’re probably really worried about making a mistake…
Or about what other people will think of whatever it is you’re doing…
So you play in this “grey zone” of working on multiple things but you never really get anywhere.
I get it.
I did the same thing.
And it wasn’t until I finally went all in on something (my first fitness info product) that I saw real, sustainable success.
That’s when I started hitting 6-figures consistently.
So my advice is to find something you enjoy doing…
Stick with it…
And dont be afraid of following through on it (whether it works or not).
That’s my 2 cents.
Enjoy your Friday,
– Justin